Abstract | Dostupnošću medija te pojavom društvenih mreža svjedočimo kako ,,hrana, osim što hrani nas, hrani i medije.“ Gotovo da nema časopisa, online portala ili TV programa, a da ne sadrži pokoji recept, kolumnu na temu pripreme hrane, kulinarski show ili barem nekakav prilog o hrani. ,,Pojavom celebrity chefova, od kojih su neki restorane zamijenili TV studijima“ , sve je više zainteresiranih za pripremu hrane kod kuće i isprobavanje različitih kulinarskih recepata. Većina se nas okušala u pripremi recepata Jamieja Olivera, te drugih planetarno poznatih kuhara. Međutim, ničega od navedenog ne bi bilo da nemamo povijesno naslijeđe, zapise u obliku recepata koji su se pažljivo skupljali i čiji se sadržaj s vremenom poboljšavao i prilagođavao geografskim zahtjevima i obilježjima vremena. Isto tako ne smijemo zaboraviti i na izgled prostora u kojem se hrana priprema odnosno na funkcionalnosti kuhinje, te na uspostavljanje standarda za serviranje i blagovanje jela i pića ovisno o krugu uzvanika i prigodi zajedničkog uživanja u gastronomskim delicijama. U cijeloj ovoj scenografiji i koreografiji krije se i glavni lik pod imenom glavni kuhar, bez kojeg ne bi bilo niti zanimljivih televizijskih emisija, blogova, vlogova, instagram portala i drugih alata. Može se zaključiti da su svi su ovi elementi omogućili kreiranje natjecateljskih kulinarskih emisija, te dodatno promoviranje zanimanja kuhar. Kako su običaji uvijek najkvalitetniji izvor gastronomske palete proizvoda, u ovom radu je na kraju prikazano kako se u obiteljskom okružju blaguje po zemljama svijeta uključujući i Hrvatsku. Anketa je pokazala da 67,0 % ispitanika prati emisije/priloge o kuhanju, ali ipak smo skloniji tradicionalnim receptima. Sklonost modificiranim receptima poznatih kuhara ima 15,3 % ispitanika, ali čak 86,2 % objavljuje svoje recepte i fotografije svojih jela na društvenim mrežama. |
Abstract (english) | With the availability of media and the emergence of social networks, we are witnessing how ,,food, in addition to feeding us, also feeds the media.“ There is almost no magazine, online portal or TV program that does not contain a recipe, a column on the topic of food preparation, a culinary show or at least some feature about food. ,,With the appearance of celebrity chefs, some of whom have replaced restaurants with TV studios“ , more and more people are interested in preparing food at home and trying different culinary recipes. Most of us have tried our hand at preparing the recipes of Jamie Oliver and other world-famous chefs. However, none of the above would exist if we did not have a historical heritage, records in the form of recipes that were carefully collected and whose content was improved over time and adapted to the geographical requirements and characteristics of the time. Likewise, we must not forget about the appearance of the space where food is prepared, i.e. the functionality of the kitchen, and the establishment of standards for serving and dining food and drinks depending on the circle of guests and the occasion of joint enjoyment of gastronomic delicacies. In all this scenography and choreography, the main character is hidden under the name of the head chef, without whom there would be no interesting television shows, blogs, vlogs, Instagram portals and other tools. It can be concluded that all these elements enabled the creation of competitive cooking shows and the additional promotion of the profession of chef. As customs are always the best source of the gastronomic range of products, this paper finally shows how to eat in a family environment in countries around the world, including Croatia. The survey showed that 67.0% of the respondents follow shows/apps about cooking, but we still prefer traditional recipes. 15.3% of respondents prefer modified recipes by famous chefs, but as many as 86.2% publish their recipes and photos of their dishes on social networks. |