Title Osnovni elementi strategije Jamnica plus d.o.o.
Title (english) Basic elements of the strategy of Jamnica plus d.o.o.
Author Kristina Janković
Mentor Predrag Čudina (mentor)
Committee member Tanja Grmuša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Neven Šipić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-02-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Jamnica plus d.o.o. tržišni je lider u proizvodnji mineralnih voda te osvježavajućih pića na bazi mineralnih voda. Poduzeće, koje je na tržištu prisutno desetljećima, danas posluje unutar Fortenova grupe, a čini ga Jamnica plus d.o.o. u Hrvatskoj, Sarajevski kiseljak d.o.o. u Bosni i Hercegovini, Mg Mivela d.o.o. u Srbiji, Janica d.o.o. u Sloveniji te
Jamnica Water Kft u Mađarskoj. S obzirom na drugu tradiciju poslovanja i kontinuirani poslovni uspjeh koji poduzeće ostvaruje na domaćem i regionalnom tržištu, predmet ovog završnog rada je iz teorijske perspektive prikazati osnovne elemente strategije poslovanja, te zatim analizirati te elemente na primjeru Jamnice plus d.o.o. kako bi se zaključilo o važnosti strategije poslovanja u ostvarenju ciljeva koje si poduzeće postavlja. U radu se analiziraju osnovni elementi strategije poslovanja, kao i ključne analize koje se provode kako bi se utvrdila trenutna pozicija poduzeća i njegov smjer u budućnosti (SWOT i PESTLE analiza) pomoću sekundarnih podataka prikupljenih iz relevantnih izvora te se utvrđuje cjelokupni pristup oblikovanju i implementaciji strategije Jamnice d.o.o. na temelju dostupnih podataka, a u okviru najčešće korištenih modela, odnosno Porterovog modela 5 sila te strategije diferencijacije koje poduzeće implementira u svoje strateško planiranje i stratešku provedbu. Kako bi se zaključilo o osnovnim elementima strategije Jamnice plus d.o.o., a uz sekundarne izvore podataka koriste se i metode indukcije i dedukcije, zatim metode analize i sinteze te generalizacije i specifikacije, kao i metoda deskripcije. Na kraju se donosi zaključak kojim se potvrđuje važnost strategije u ostvarenju poslovnog uspjeha i konkurentske pozicije na tržištu Jamnice plus d.o.o.
Abstract (english) Jamnica plus d.o.o is the market leader in the production of mineral waters and refreshing drinks based on mineral waters. The company, which has been present on the market for decades, today operates within the Fortenova group, and is made up of Janica plus d.o.o. in Croatia, Sarajevski kiseljak d.o.o. in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mg Mivela d.o.o. in Serbia, Janica d.o.o. in Slovenia and Jamnica Water Kft in Hungary. Considering the long business tradition and the continuous business success achieved by the company on the domestic and regional market, the subject of this final paper is to present the basic elements of the business strategy from a theoretical perspective, and then analyze these elements using the example of Jamnica plus d.o.o. in order to conclude on the importance of the business strategy in achieving the goals that the company sets for itself. The paper analyzes the basic elements of business strategy, as well as key analyzes that are carried out in order to determine the current position of the company and its direction in the future (SWOT and PESTLE analysis) using secondary data collected from relevant sources, and the overall approach to the design and implementation of the strategy is determined. Jamnice d.o.o. based on the available data, and within the framework of the most commonly used models, namely Porter's 5 forces model and differentiation strategies that the company implements in its strategic planning and strategic implementation. In order to draw conclusions about the basic elements of Jamnica plus d.o.o.'s strategy, in addition to secondary data sources, methods of induction and deduction, then methods of analysis and synthesis, and generalization and specification, as well as the method of description, are used. At the end, a conclusion is drawn which confirms the importance of strategy in achieving business success and the competitive position on the market of Jamnica plus d.o.o.
Jamnica plus d.o.o.
strategija poslovanja
strateški ciljevi
konkurentska prednost
Keywords (english)
Jamnica plus d.o.o.
business strategy
strategic goals
competitive advantage
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:082572
Study programme Title: Marketing and Communications Undergraduate studies Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) marketinga i komunikacija (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) marketinga i komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2025-01-29 17:34:00