Abstract | U ovom radu istražuje se povezanost lokalne gastronomije, poljoprivrede i turizma na primjeru grada Sveti Ivan Zelina. Navedenu destinaciju sam odabrala zato što sam odrasla i dobar dio života provela u njoj. Iako već neko duže vrijeme tamo ne živim često dolazim i pratim njihova društvena događanja kojih je zadnjih godina sve više. Interesantno je pratiti kako se grad razvija kroz vrijeme, fluktuaciju ljudi, nova naseljavanja, gradnju stambenih zgrada i prateće infrastrukture.
Kroz istraživanje ću pokušati doći do saznanja kakav je danas turistički položaj grada Svetog Ivana Zeline te koliko geografski položaj i cestovna povezanost utječu na dostupnost i razvoj destinacije. Ne treba zanemariti činjenicu da je grad nedavno proglašen jednim od poželjnih mjesta za život. U 2023. godini destinacija je bila među vodećima po broju doseljenog stanovništva u odnosu na odseljeno te u top deset po inozemnom migracijskom saldu. Sukladno tome u grad se naseljava sve više mladih obitelji, ali i osoba starije životne dobi koje žele mirovinu provesti na ovoj destinaciji. Treba napomenuti da je prema zadnjim pokazateljima grad zabilježio iznadprosječni rast te je stoga u 2024. godini uvršten u viši stupanj razvijenosti.
Turizam kao važna ekonomska grana je ključna industrija u mnogim zemljama. On nam pruža ekonomske koristi kroz proces zapošljavanja, razvoj infrastrukture te prihode od turista. Poljoprivreda i turizam su grane koje se povezuju kroz različite dimenzije kao na primjer: agroturizam, gastronomski turizam, edukacije, seoski turizam i sl. S obzirom da hrana igra jednu od ključnih uloga u turizmu možemo zaključiti da je između njih tijesna povezanost. Gastronomija u turizmu koristi nam kao sredstvo promocije same destinacije, istraživanje kulture kraja te u konačnici stvaranja nezaboravnog iskustva posjetitelja. Na primjeru lokalne zajednice gastronomija obuhvaća sljedeće elemente: lokalne specijalitete, restorane, tržnice, gastronomske manifestacije te održivost i tradiciju kraja.
Ovim diplomskim radom pokušati ću pronaći i povezati sve relevantne elemente koji se provlače kroz navedene pojmove. |
Abstract (english) | In this paper, I shall examine the connection between local gastronomy, agriculture and tourism with the example of the town of Sveti Ivan Zelina. I chose this destination since it is where I grew up and spent a good part of my life.
Although I haven't lived there for some time, I often visit and follow their social events, which have been increasing in recent years. It is interesting to note the development of the town over time, the fluctuation of people, new settlements, the construction of residential buildings and accompanying infrastructure.
Through my research, I shall attempt to find out the current position of the town of Sveti Ivan Zelina in terms of tourism, and to what extent the geographical position and road connections impact the accessibility and development of this destination. A fact not to be ignored is that the town was recently declared one of the most desirable places to live. In 2023, this destination ranked among the top in terms of the number of newcomers compared to the outgoing population, and it also ranked in the top ten for the international net migration rate. Accordingly, more and more young families are settling in the town, as well as elderly people who want to spend their retirement in this destination.
It should be noted that according to the latest indicators, the town recorded above-average growth and therefore in 2024 it was included in a higher level of development.
Tourism as a major economic branch is a key industry in many countries. It provides us with economic benefits through the employment process, infrastructure development and tourist revenues. Agriculture and tourism are branches that are connected through different dimensions, such as: agritourism, gastronomic tourism, education, rural tourism, etc.
Since food plays one of the key roles in tourism, we can conclude that they are closely connected. Gastronomy in tourism serves us as a means of promoting the destination itself, exploring the culture of the region and ultimately creating an unforgettable visitor experience. Based on the example of the local community, gastronomy includes the following elements: local specialties, restaurants, markets, gastronomic events, and the sustainability and tradition of the region. With this graduation thesis, I shall attempt to find and connect all the relevant elements that underlie the mentioned terms. |