Abstract | Dobar imidž marke u suvremenom je svijetu veoma važan, no izgradnja dobrog imidža nije lak
posao. Potrebno je neprestano razvijati marku, slušati potrebe i preferencije potrošača te pratiti
trendove na tržištu. Održavanje dobrog imidža marke tvrtkama je glavni cilj. Na taj način tvrtke
lakše dolaze do novih potrošača, lakše zadržavaju 'stare', lojalne potrošače, lakše se
diferenciraju od konkurencije te u konačnici imaju veću dobit. Svaka bi marka, ukoliko želi biti
uspješna, trebala biti nezaboravna, smislena, privlačna, prenosiva, prilagodljiva te zaštićena.
Tvrtke pri tom moraju voditi brigu o četiri elementa marke: identitetu marke, imidžu marke,
svrsi marke te vrijednosti marke. Identitet marke temeljni je koncept proizvoda dok je imidž
marke percepcija marke u glavama potrošača. Svrha marke trebala bi održavati misiju i viziju
tvrtke, a zadovoljavati potrebe i preferencije potrošača. Vrijednost marke najprije stvaraju
tvrtke, pridodajući osnovnom proizvodu dodatne vrijednosti poput drugačije ambalaže, izgleda,
jedinstvene kvalitete, posebnog imidža i slično. Ako tvrtka njeguje odnos s potrošačem, daljnju
vrijednost marke kreiraju potrošači načinom na koji iskazuju zadovoljstvo korištenjem
određene marke. Za kraj, studijom slučaja istražile su se dvije marke sportske odjeće i obuće –
Nike i Adidas, kao lideri u svojoj branši. Istražile su se strategije upravljanja tim markama te
analizirali načini održavanja vjernosti potrošača |
Abstract (english) | A good brand image is very important in the modern world, but building a good image is not
an easy task. It is necessary to constantly develop the brand, listen to the needs and preferences
of consumers and follow market trends. Maintaining a good brand image is the main goal for
companies. In this way, companies can more easily reach new consumers, more easily retain
'old', loyal consumers, differentiate themselves from the competition and ultimately have a
higher profit. Every brand, if it wants to be successful, should be memorable, meaningful,
attractive, portable, adaptable and protected. In doing so, companies must take care of four
elements of brand: brand identity, brand image, brand purpose and brand value. Brand identity
is the core concept of the product, while brand image is the perception of the brand in the minds
of consumers. The purpose of the brand should be to maintain the mission and vision of the
company, while satisfying the needs and preferences of consumers. Brand value is first created
by companies, adding additional values to the basic product, such as different packaging,
appearance, unique quality, special image, and the like. If a company nurtures a relationship
with a consumer, further brand value is created by consumers through the ways in which they
express satisfaction with using a particular brand. Finally, the case study investigated two
brands of sports clothing and footwear – Nike and Adidas, as leaders in their industry. The
management strategies of these brands were researched and the ways of maintaining consumer
loyalty were analyzed. |