Title (english) Innovation in a function of inciting economic growth in Republic of Croatia
Author Roman Krunić
Mentor Tomislav Ivančević (mentor)
Committee member Željka Zavišić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Neven Šipić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics General Economy
Abstract Svaki inovativni proizvod ili rješenje koje je tijekom povijesti našlo svoje mjesto u upotrebi, zasigurno je imalo utjecaj na razvoj gospodarstva te zemlje ili čak šire. Inovacije će se najprije i najlakše potvrditi u obrtništvu te malom i srednjem poduzetništvu. Uvođenje novog proizvoda na tržište dugoročan je, mukotrpan i razvojni proces od najmanje 10 godina koji zahtijeva velika ulaganja. Rad govori o utjecaju inovacija na gospodarstvo te je pisan iz perspektive stvarnog hrvatskog inovatora. Proučavaju se svjetski trendovi te situacija u Hrvatskoj. U početku se općenito govori o inovacijama, poduzetništvu i gospodarstvu te njihovoj međusobnoj povezanosti. Radi se povijesni presjek inovacija i poduzetništva, spominju utjecajne osobe i inovacije, pa sve do suvremenih trendova u inovatorstvu. Govori se i o negativnim pojavama u svijetu inovacija koje u današnje vrijeme globalizacije uzimaju sve više maha. Radi se o fenomenu „inovacijski merkantilizam“ kojem čak ni međunarodne organizacije poput WTO-a, MMF-a ili Svjetske banke ne mogu uspješno stati na kraj, unatoč potpisanim sporazumima koji reguliraju međusobne trgovinske odnose. Nadalje, govori se o inovacijama u gospodarstvu RH, položaju inovatora; što sve vlada RH poduzima kako bi se stvorili povoljni uvjeti za inovatorstvo i poduzetništvo; napravljen je povijesni presjek hrvatskog inovatorstva kroz popis najutjecajnijih izuma i njihovih autora. Kao okosnica rada obrađen je konkretan inovatorski primjer u Hrvatskoj, gdje su vlasnici inovativnog proizvoda isti i komercijalizirali. Kroz taj primjer može se dobiti najbolji uvid stvarnog stanja inovatorstva u Hrvatskoj. Učinci i konkretni zahvati na inovacijskoj politici su, prema stvarnim iskustvima autora, za sada još uvijek kozmetičke prirode, tj. u konkretnoj primjeni ne funkcioniraju. Država, te razne udruge i organizacije, inovatorima i poduzetnicima moraju dati potporu kroz kvalitetnu inovacijsku strategiju, kroz niz pravnih i regulatornih alata, vodstvo kroz proces komercijalizacije proizvoda i pokretanja biznisa, poreznih olakšica, uklanjanja administrativnih prepreka te pomoći u plasmanu proizvoda na nova tržišta.
Abstract (english) Every innovative product or solution that has been in use during history has certainly had an impact on the development of that country's economy or even wider. Innovations will firstly be verified in crafts and small and medium-sized businesses. The introduction of a new product on the market is a long-lasting, hard-laboring and developmental process that requires at least 10 years of investments. The paper deals with the impact of innovation on the economy and it has been written from the perspective of a real Croatian innovator. It studies the world trends and the situation in Croatia. At the beginning author speaks about innovations, entrepreneurship and the economy and their interconnectedness. He makes historical cross-section of innovation and entrepreneurship, mentioning influential people and innovations, and contemporary trends in innovation. He also mentions a negative phenomenon in the world of innovations that in today's world of globalization is getting more and more present. It is the phenomenon called "innovation-mercantilism" which even international organizations such as the WTO, the MMF or the World Bank cannot successfully control in spite of the signed agreements regulating mutual trade relations. Author also speaks about innovations in the Croatian economy, the position of innovators, what steps the Croatian government is undertaking to create favorable conditions for innovation and entrepreneurship, the historical cross section of Croatian innovation made through a list of the most influential inventions and their authors. As a backbone of this paper author talks about an innovation product made in Croatia which was commercialized. Through this example one can get the best insight into the real situation of innovation policy in Croatia. The effects and concrete actions on innovation policy, according to the actual author's experiences, are still of a cosmetic nature, i.e. they do not work properly in real life. The state and various associations and organizations must provide support to innovators and entrepreneurs through a quality innovation strategy, a series of legal and regulatory tools, leadership through the process of product commercialization and business start-ups, tax incentives, removal of administrative barriers and help product placement in new markets.
gospodarski razvoj
Keywords (english)
economic development
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:305941
Study programme Title: Marketing management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-09-13 15:54:01