Abstract | Neprestano se kao nezavisni promatrači i sudionici modernog doba susrećemo sa konceptom poslovnog marketinga. Kao potrošači, a posebno kao konzumenti svih dostupnih dobara na otvorenom tržištu, svakodnevno smo krajnji korisnici produkata marketinških procesa. U ovom radu ću se posebno osvrnuti na koncept poslovnog marketinga dva izuzetno jaka poslovna subjekta koja djeluju na hrvatskom tržištu. Njihov odnos temeljno je definiran kao bussines-to-business model, no kao što ću u daljnjem radu prikazati, on je sve samo ne jednostavan i jednodimenzionalan. Isprepleten je kroz mnogo segmenata, međusobno je ovisan i u nekim dijelovima izlazi iz uobičajenih okvira. Ono što je činjenica jest da je taj odnos živa materija, podložna promjenama i stalnim unapređenjima i nadogradnjama. Odnos ova dva poslovna subjekta odvija se u trgovinskoj industriji, odnosno na tržištu robe široke potrošnje (eng. Fast moving consumer goods – FMCG), a koje je možda i najviše pridonijelo razvoju poslovnog marketinga i marketinga uopće. Iskustva i prakse, te stalni razvoj novih i usavršavanje postojećih metoda u ovoj industriji od krucijalnog su značaja za usavršavanje ovakvog poslovnog koncepta. Ključna činjenica jest da poslovni marketing, a u ovom slučaju kroz distribuciju i prodajne kanale, promovira proizvode jedne kompanije (distributer) čija su ciljana skupina korisnici druge tvrtke (trgovac). I upravo zato ću u ovom radu razraditi, definirati i objasniti sve procese međusobnog poslovnog odnosa, odnosno što sve stoji iza puta proizvoda od njegovog distributera do polica u maloprodajnom lancu. A vrlo često taj put tu ne završava, već određenim djelom seže i do krajnjeg potrošača. |
Abstract (english) | As independent observers and participants in the modern age, we are constantly seeing the concept of business marketing. As consumers, and especially as consumers of all the goods available in the open market, every day, we are the end users of marketing process products. I will focus in this paper, specifically on the concept of business marketing of two extremely strong business entities operating in the Croatian market. Fundamentally, their relationship is defined as bussines-to-business model, but as I will show in the next section, it is all just not simple and one-dimensional. It is interwined through many segments, it is interdependent and in some parts out of the ordinary frame. Fact is that it is the relation of living matter, subject to change and constant improvements and upgrades. Relationship between these two businesses take place in the trading industry, respectively in the commodity market of „fast moving consumer goods“ (FMCG), which may have contributed the most in development of business marketing and marketing in general. Experiences and practices, and the constant development of new and refinement of existing methods in this industry is crucial for refinement this kind of business concept. The key fact is that business marketing, and in this case through distribution and sales channels, promotes the products of one company (distributor) whose target group are users of another company (retailer). And that is why, I will elaborate in this paper, define and explain all processes of mutual business relationship, respectively everything behind product paths from its distributor to shelves in the retail chain. And very often, that journey does not end there, but to a certain part reaches the consumer. |