Title (english) Managing integral logistics- „Ralu Logistika d.d.“ ecample
Author Marija Kramar
Mentor Dragan Kopecki (mentor)
Committee member Predrag Čudina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Štefančić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Intelligent Transport Systems and Logistics
Abstract Donedavno se pojam logistike povezivao gotovo isključivo sa transportom i skladišnim poslovanjem. Dolazi do promjena, te se pojavljuje koncept upravljanja integralnom logistikom koji obuhvaća neprekinuti tijek proizvoda kroz distribucijski kanal do krajnjeg korisnika. U današnje vrijeme svako suvremeno organizirano poduzeće ima sektor, odjel ili službu logistike, a sve više kompanija u cilju racionalizacije poslovanja značajnu pozornost pridaju optimizaciji lanca opskrbe te sustavnom upravljanju zalihama. Vlasnici i menadžeri poduzeća shvaćaju da ih kvalitetno, pouzdano i na siguran način isporučen proizvod ili usluga čini tržišno konkurentnim. Jednako tako je i sa zalihama. Logistika kroz biranje sredstava za poboljšanje i optimiziranje tokova dobara postaje integralna funkcija poduzeća. Svrha je postizanje konkurentske prednosti na osnovi fleksibilnosti proizvodnje, isporuke i brže reakcije na narudžbe kupaca, odnosno kontinuiranog usavršavanja protoka dobara i informacija kroz poduzeće. Neki od ciljeva logistike su smanjenje zaliha, skraćivanje protoka proizvoda te skraćivanje vremena reakcija. Zadaće poslovne logistike prelaze granice jedne poslovne funkcije i protežu se na cijelo poduzeće i dalje na cijeli lanac opskrbe. U završnome radu opisana je koncepcija upravljanja opskrbnim lancem, strateško upravljanje integralnom logistikom, logistički procesi i strategije u opskrbnom lancu koji podrazumijevaju upravljanje kupovinom i nabavom, upravljanje proizvodnjom te upravljanje prijevozom i distribucijom. U nastavku je također opisano upravljanje zalihama kao procesom integralne logistike, vrste i modeli planiranja zaliha i upravljanje skladištem. U daljnjem radu opisani su integrirani sustavi te je na primjeru poduzeća RALU Logistika prikazano upravljanje integralnom logistikom te je opisano poduzeće, ljudski potencijali, transport, skladištenje i distribucija, informatička podrška integralnoj logistici, te kontrola kvalitete RALU Logistike.
Abstract (english) Until recently, emerging logistics were associated almost exclusively with transportation and warehousing. There is a change, it seems the concept of integrated logistics management that encompasses the uninterrupted flow of products through the distribution channel to end users. Nowadays, every modern company has a sector, department or logistics service, more and more companies in order to streamline business it is important to come to supply chain optimization and systematic inventory management. Owners and management companies realized that they were quality, reliable and safely delivered to the manufacturer or made the services competitive competitors. The same is true with stocks. Logistics through the selection of funds to improve and optimize supplier flows becomes an integral function of the company. The purpose has achieved competitive advantages on the main flexibility of production, delivery and quick response to customer orders, ie continuous improvement of supplier protocols and information through the company. Some of the goals of logistics are to reduce stocks, shorten product flow and shorten reaction time. The tasks of business logistics cross the boundaries of one business function and are protected throughout the company and further across the entire supply chain. The final paper describes the concept of supply chain management, strategic management of integrated logistics, logistics processes and strategies in the operating chain, which include purchase and procurement management, production management and transport and distribution management. Inventory management is also described below as process-integrated logistics, types and models of inventory planning and warehouse management. The following paper describes the integrated sustainable systems at appropriate companies RALU Logistics shows the management of integrated logistics and describes the company, human resources, transport, storage and distribution, IT support for integrated logistics, and quality control RALU Logistics.
opskrbni lanac
integralna logistika
Keywords (english)
supply chain
integrated logistics
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:635448
Study programme Title: Supply Chain Management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka gospodarske logistike (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka gospodarske logistike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-09-08 08:28:10