Title Praćenje rada i motivacija djelatnika
Title (english) Work monitoring and employee motivation
Author Anamarija Dobranić
Mentor Dorotea Milas (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Ivančević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Predrag Čudina (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Praćenje učinkovitosti rada i motivacija djelatnika izuzetno su važan segment poslovanja svake organizacije. Uspoređujući teorijske modele i usporedbom s primjerom iz prakse dobivamo uvid u kompleksnost navedene problematike. Rad je podijeljen na dva dijela. Prvi dio rada preglednog je tipa gdje se prikazuje presjek literature vezan uz motiviranje i praćenje radne učinkovitosti zaposlenika. Menadžment ljudskih potencijala može se svesti unutar četiri funkcije, a to su planiranje, organiziranje, upravljanje i kontroliranje. Sve četiri funkcije međusobno su povezane i bitne u ostvarenju organizacijskih ciljeva, a pritom je uloga menadžera vrlo bitna. U tom procesu, menadžer može primijeniti različite stilove vođenja i metode mjerenja uspješnosti, a kako bi uspješno ostvario ciljeve organizacije, trebao bi primijeniti onu metodu koja u tom trenutku dovodi do najboljih rezultata. Obzirom da su za ostvarivanje ciljeva potrebni ljudi koji će taj posao napraviti, bitno je stvoriti poticajno radno okruženje i razumjeti što ih motivira, jer demotiviran zaposlenik ujedno je i manje produktivan.
U motiviranju zaposlenika, menadžerima su na raspolaganju materijalni i nematerijalni oblici motiviranja te je često i sama pohvala nečijeg rada dovoljan motivator. Analizira se važnost motivacije djelatnika, uspostava sustava praćenja djelatnika, uloga različitih stilova vodstva, važnost povratnih informacija i načini na koje se daje dobra povratna informacija. Drugi dio rada je studij slučaja u deskriptivnoj formi koji prati korake u procesu uvođenja sustava radne učinkovitosti u stvarnoj organizaciji, odnosno postupak praćenja radne uspješnosti zaposlenika. Nakon provedenih analiza zaključuje se kako primjer iz prakse, prilikom uvođenja modela kroz različite vremenske etape i uz modifikacije, sukladno svojim potrebama, prati modele koje suvremena literatura navodi.
Abstract (english) Monitoring work efficiency and employee motivation is an extremely important segment of every organization's business. By comparing theoretical models and through comparison with an example from practice, we get an insight into the complexity of the mentioned issue. The work is divided into two parts. The first part of the paper is an overview in which a cross-section of the literature related to motivating and monitoring the work efficiency of employees is presented. Human resources management can be reduced to four functions, namely planning, organizing, managing and controlling. All four functions are interconnected and essential in the achievement of organizational goals, for which the role of the manager is very important. In this process, the manager can apply different leadership styles and performance measurement methods, and in order to successfully achieve the organization's goals, manager should apply the method that leads to the best results at that moment. Given that achieving goals requires people who will do the work, it is important to create a stimulating work environment and understand what motivates them, because a demotivated employee is also less productive.
In motivating employees, managers have material and non-material forms of motivation at their disposal, and praise for someone's work is often sufficient motivation. The importance of employee motivation, the establishment of an employee monitoring system, the role of different leadership styles, the importance of feedback and the ways in which good feedback is given are analyzed. The second part of the paper is a case study in descriptive form that follows the steps in the process of introducing a work efficiency system in a real organization, i.e. the process of monitoring the work performance of employees. After the analyzes are carried out, it is concluded that the example from practice, when introducing the model through different time stages and with modifications, according to its needs, follows the models mentioned in the contemporary literature.
kontrola rada
radna uspješnost.
Keywords (english)
work performance
performance monitoring.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:769629
Study programme Title: Marketing management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) marketinga i komunikacija (stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) marketinga i komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-11-14 08:13:31