Abstract | Temelj ovoga rada je prikazati koliki je utjecaj mode, odnosno koliko modna industrija utječe na mlade djevojke i žene. Ovaj rad možemo podijeliti na tri dijela: moda, mediji i poremećaji prehrane. U prvom dijelu rada razradit ćemo teorijski dio o samoj modi kako bismo shvatili njezin razvoj tijekom stoljeća. Prikazat ćemo kakva je moda bila nekada i kakva je danas, njezin koncept i teoriju same mode, također spomenut ćemo konzumerizam i održivost razvoja u modnoj industriji. U drugom dijelu rada analizirat ćemo komunikaciju mode u medijima kako bismo bolje objasnili njenu komunikaciju putem medija s korisnicima. Također, prikaz ženskih časopisa kao vodećih modnih kataloga, društvene mreže i promociju mode, ideale koje mediji stvaraju, prikaz žena u medijima i novi credo modne industrije. Dolazimo do trećeg dijela rada koji je usmjeren na prikaz poremećaja prehrane. Objasnit će se kako nastaju poremećaji prehrane, koliko je to zaista opasno te kako utječu na osobu koja ima ovakav problem. Također, u ovom će se djelu govoriti o dva velika poremećaja od kojih osobe najviše obolijevaju, a to su bulimija i anoreksija. Svaki od ovih pojmova koje smo naveli i o kojima ćemo pisati dovoljno su opširni da se mogu zasebno istraživati. Istraživanje je provedeno od 25. svibnja 2022. do 3. lipnja 2022., na uzroku od 121 ispitanika pokazalo je da postoji utjecaj modne industrije na samopoštovanje i samopercepciju kod djevojaka i žena. No, u ovom ćemo radu pokušati spojiti navedene teme u jednu cjelinu. Također, želimo da ovaj rad potakne da se o ovoj temi govori više, nego što znamo i što govorimo. Naravno, ono što je vrlo važno da se nađu rješenja kako osobe ne bi imale velike komplekse, odnosno kako ne bi došlo do poremećaja prehrane. |
Abstract (english) | The basis of this work is to show how much influence fashion has, that is, how much the fashion industry influences young girls and women. This work can be divided into three parts: fashion, media and eating disorders. In the first part of the work, we will elaborate the theoretical part about fashion itself in order to understand its development over the centuries. We will show what fashion was like in the past and what it is like today, its concept and the theory of fashion itself, we will also mention consumerism and the sustainability of development in the fashion industry. In the second part of the work, we will analyze the communication of fashion in the media in order to better explain its communication through the media with users. Also, the presentation of women's magazines as leading fashion catalogs, social networks and fashion promotion, the ideals created by the media, the presentation of women in the media and the new credo of the fashion industry. We come to the third part of the work, which focuses on the presentation of eating disorders. It will be explained how eating disorders arise, how dangerous it really is, and how it affects a person who has this problem. Also, in this work we will talk about two major disorders from which people get sick the most, namely bulimia and anorexia. Each of these terms that we have listed and will write about are extensive enough to be explored separately. The research was conducted from May 25, 2022 to June 3, 2022, on the basis of 121 respondents showed that there is an influence of the fashion industry on the self-esteem and self-perception of girls and women. However, in this work, we will try to combine the mentioned topics into one whole. Also, we want this work to encourage more to be said about this topic, than we know and what we are saying. Of course, what is very important is to find solutions so that people do not have big complexes, that is, so that eating disorders do not occur. |