Abstract | Tema ovo diplomskog rada je monetarni sustav i njegov utjecaj na gospodarstvo u RH, s posebnim osvrtom na bankarski sektor u RH. Monetarni sustav obuhvaća sve vezano uz kretanje novca, a u skladu je s odredbama monetarne politike koju određuje i definira ovisno o tržišnim kretanjima središnja banka – Hrvatska narodna banka. U središnju monetarnog sustava nalazi se HNB te poslovne banke koje posluju s korporacijama, malim i srednji poduzećima te građanima. Samim time ćemo razlikovati banke za građane i investicijske banke.
Banke tako prihvaćaju različite vrste depozita od građana, posebno od svojih klijenata, uključujući depozite na štednim računima, periodične depozite na računima i oročene depozite. Ovi depoziti se vraćaju kad god to korisnik zatraži ili nakon određenog vremenskog perioda. Banke ujedno odobravaju zajmove i predujmove u različitim oblicima, kao što su gotovinski kredit, stambeni kredit, itd. One također daju zajmove na viđenje i oročene zajmove svim vrstama klijenata uz odgovarajuće osiguranje.
Njezini poslovi mogu biti pasivni, aktivni, neutralni, vlastiti i poslovi vezani uz funkciju državne uprave. Zato je bilanca najvažniji izvor informacija jer ona predstavlja periodični financijsko-imovinski dokument, a osim općenitih podataka o banci nudi i realne informacije o likvidnosti i solventnosti banke. Bankarski se sustav uglavnom sastoji od nekoliko financijskih institucija, uključujući centralne i poslovne banke, štedne i druge financijske institucije.
Što se tiče deviznog tržišta, na njemu se odvija domaća potražnja za inozemnom valutom i inozemna potražnju za domaćom valutom, a banke, zajedno sa ovlaštenim mjenjačima, čije je poslovanje regulirano od strane HNB-a te nadzirano od strane Ministarstva financija, posreduju u tim potražnjama. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this thesis is the monetary system and its impact on the economy in the Republic of Croatia, with a special focus on the banking sector in the Republic of Croatia. The monetary system includes everything related to the movement of money, and it is in accordance with the provisions of the monetary policy, which is determined and defined depending on market movements by the central bank - the Croatian National Bank. The central monetary system includes the CNB and commercial banks that do business with corporations, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, and citizens. By doing so, we will distinguish between banks for citizens and investment banks.
Banks also accept various types of deposits from citizens, especially from their customers, including savings account deposits, recurring account deposits and term deposits. These deposits are returned when requested by the user or after a certain period of time. Banks also approve loans and advances in various forms, such as cash loans, housing loans, etc. They also provide payday loans and term loans to all types of clients with appropriate insurance.
Her jobs can be passive, active, neutral, her own and jobs related to the function of state administration. That is why the balance sheet is the most important source of information because it represents a periodic financial and property document, and in addition to general information about the bank, it also offers real information about the bank's liquidity and solvency. The banking system mainly consists of several financial institutions, including central and commercial banks, savings and other financial institutions.
As for the foreign exchange market, domestic demand for foreign currency and foreign demand for domestic currency take place on it, and banks, together with authorized money changers, whose operations are regulated by the CNB and supervised by the Ministry of Finance, mediate these demands. |