Abstract | Razvoj proizvoda je proces za koji je potrebno izdvojiti jako puno vremena, novaca i energije. Razvoj počinje samom idejom koja zahtijeva veliku količinu kreativnosti, a nakon toga proizvod prolazi kroz testiranje tržišta, izradu prototipa i pripremanje sve potrebne dokumentacije za lansiranje proizvoda na tržište. Pod pojmom samog proizvoda podrazumijevamo sve proizvode, usluge, aktivnosti te mjesta koje potrošač može upotrijebiti u zamjenu za novac, te nakon toga može stvoriti svoje osobno mišljenje. Kod uvođenja novih proizvoda na tržište potrebno je paziti na rizike poslovanja koji vrebaju na svakom koraku. Postoje vanjske i unutarnje prijetnje, a za svaku potencijalnu prijetnju treba imati pripremljen plan kako bi se što brže reagiralo, što znači da je potrebno predviđati kretanja na tržištu.
Životni ciklus proizvoda je proces kroz kojeg proizvod prolazi kroz fazu uvođenja, fazu rasta, fazu zrelosti te fazu opadanja. Kompanije žele da im proizvod ostane što dulje u fazama rasta ili zrelosti, jer tada ostvaruju najveći profit, dok su im troškovi proizvodnje minimalni jer zbog velike količine proizvoda dobivaju nižu cijenu za sirovine koje su potrebne kako bi se proizvod proizveo. Faza uvođenja i faza opadanja su ključne faze u životnom ciklusu proizvoda zbog toga što je u obje faze potrebno prilagoditi proizvod tržištu te ga promovirati kroz određeni marketinški plan.
Novi proizvod uvela je i Podravak, proizvod se zove Vegeta BIO. Iako je ideja dobra i po određenim istraživanjima ima smisla zbog trenda ekološke osvještenosti i zdrave prehrane, vrijeme plasiranja proizvoda je pogrešno te su možda trebali pričekati da se situacija na ekonomskom tržištu smiri. Zbog pandemije i rata u Ukrajni mnogi potrošači pokušavaju uštediti svaku kunu, a to zasigurno ne ide u prilog Podravci koja je odredila cijenu novog proizvoda koja je veća od konkurencije.
Mišljenje je da će Vegeta BIO teško zaživjeti na tržištu. Ipak postoji previše prepreka s kojima se jedna kompanija može nositi. Procjena Vegete BIO je da će još neko vrijeme ostati na tržištu te da će se još jedno vrijeme Podravka truditi kroz promocije i marketinške aktivnosti potaknuti ljude na kupnju proizvoda, ali će i oni nakon nekog vremena shvatiti kako proizvod nema smisla, te da će obustaviti proizvodnju i okrenuti se novim proizvodima. |
Abstract (english) | Product development is a process that requires a lot of time, money and energy. Development begins with the idea itslef, which requires a large amount of creativity, and after that the product goes through market testing, prototype creation and preparation of all the necessary documenattion for launching the product on the market. By the term of the product itself, we mean all products, services, activities, places, which consumer can use in exchange for money, and after that he can form his personal opinion. When introducing new products to the market, it is necessary to pay attention to business risks that lurk at every step. There are external and internal threats, and a plan should be prepared for each potential threat in order to react as quickly as possible, which means that it is necessary to anticipate events on the market.
The product life cycle is the process through which the product goes through the introduction phase, the growth phase, the maturity phase and the decline phase. Companies want their product to remain as long as possible in the stages of growth or maturity, beucase then they make the biggest profit, while their production costs are minimal because, due to the large amount of product, they get a lower price for the raw materials that are needed to produce the products. The introduction phase and the decline phase are key phases in the product life cycle beucase in both phases it is necessary to adapt the product to the market and to promote it through a specific marketing plan.
A new product was also introduced by Podravka, and the product is called Vegeta BIO. Although the idea is good and according to certain research it makes sense due to the trend of ecological awareness and healthy eating, the timing of the product marketing is wrong and perhaps they should have waited for the situation on the economic market to calm down. Due to the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, many consumers are trying to save every kuna, and this is certainly not in favor of Podravka.
The opinion is that Vegeta BIO will have a hard time establishing itself in the market. However, there are too many obstacles for one company to deal with. The assessment of Vegeta BIO is that it will remain on the market for some time and that Podravka will try to encourage people to buy the product through promotions and marketing activities, but after a while they will realize that the product does not make sense and they will stop production and turn to new projects. |