Title Povijesni razvoj marketinga s naglaskom na B2B i integralni marketing
Title (english) Historical development of marketing with an emphasis on B2B and integral marketing
Author Matej Erdelja
Mentor Sanja Varlaj (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Ivančević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Grmuša (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Povijesni razvoj marketinga odredio je glavne elemente marketinškog plana, koji i danas postoje. Nije postojao dan u povijesti zemlje kada se netko nije služio marketinškim alatima i aktivnostima. Marketing živi dugi niz godina, od starih Egipćana, Grka, Kineza – sve do Srednjeg vijeka, gdje se marketing počinje razvijati, a u doba industrijalizacije postaje samostalna disciplina. Zanimljivo je vidjeti kako se marketing kroz toliko godina promijenio, ali je zapravo ostao isti. Razne tehnike kojima su se koristili u prošlosti i danas su neke od najboljih tehnika i alata koje je čovjek izmislio.
Doba industrijalizacije ubrzalo je tržište te se marketing, kao disciplina, puno brže razvijao. Iako tada nije postojao internet i sve išlo sporijim putevima, marketinški stručnjaci su konstantno pronalazili načine za pronalazak potencijalnih klijenata. Iako se na početku većina marketinških agencija bavila isključivo preprodajom oglasnog prostora, razvoj agencija počeo je doprinositi samom razvoju marketinga te su ljudi bili sve kreativniji u toj struci.
Industrijalizacija je također stvorila poslovni marketing, koji su tvrtke objeručke prihvatile kako bi što brže i kvalitetnije pronašli svoje klijente. Organizacija sajmova je tada bila jedan od glavnih marketinških alata uz osobnu prodaju. Sajmovi su se organizirali često, a tvrtke su također voljele sponzorirane događaje, gdje su bili istaknuti njihovi proizvodi ili usluge. Sam poslovni marketing razvijao se velikom brzinom, a pojavom interneta je dosegao vrhunac. Digitalni su alati tvrtkama omogućili brže kontaktiranje potencijalnih kupaca i održavanje postojećih odnosa s klijentima.
Sve to je rezultiralo integralnim marketingom koji je sadašnjost i budućnost marketinga, kao takvog. Tvrtke su zbog ubrzanog tempa života i brze promjene trendova bili prisiljeni smisliti novi način oglašavanja. U tom smislu je integralni marketing poslužio kao odlično rješenje, jer je osiguravao da se sve marketinške aktivnosti u poduzeću vežu za jedinstveni cilj, a to je zadovoljavanje potreba potrošača uz ostvarenje profita.
Abstract (english) The historical development of marketing determined the main elements of the marketing plan, which still exist today. There hasn't been a day in the history of the country when someone hasn't used marketing tools nad activities. Marketing has been around for many years, from the ancien Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese – all the way to the Middle Ages, where marketing began to develop, and in the age of industrialization it became an independent discipline. It's interesting to see how marketing has changed over so many years, but in fact it has remained the same. The various techniques used in the past and today are some of the best techniques and tools that man has invented.
The age of industrialization accelerated the market and marketing, as a discipline, developed much faster. Although there was no Internet back then and everything went slower, marketers were constantly finding ways to find potential clients. Although at the beginning most marketing agencies dealt excluesively with the resale of advertising space, the development of agencies began to contribute to the development of marketing itself, and people were more and more creative in that profession.
Industrialization also created business marketing, which companies accepted wholehertedly in order to find their customers as quickly nad efficiently as possible. The organization of trade fairs was then one of the main marketing tools in addition to personal selling. Fairs were organized frequently, and companies also liked sponsored events, where their products or services were highlighted. Business marketing itself developed at a high speed, and reached its peak with the advent of the Internet. Digital tools have enabled companies to contact potential customers faster and maintain existing customer relationships.
All this resulted in integral marketing, which is the present and the future of marketing, as such. Companies were forced to come up with a new way of advertising due to the accelerated pace of life and rapid changes in trends. In this sense, integral marketing served as an excellent solution, because it ensured that all marketing activities in te company were tied to a single goal, which is to satisfy the needs of consumers while making a profit.
povijesni razvoj
poslovni marketing
integralni marketing
Keywords (english)
historical development
business marketing
integral marketing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:928111
Study programme Title: Marketing management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) marketinga i komunikacija (stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) marketinga i komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-11-14 13:51:34