Abstract | Događanja su svuda oko nas. U svakom trenutku odvija se neki događaj, bilo da se radi o poslovnom sastanku, organizaciji putovanja, službenom putu, organizaciji dječjeg rođendana i sl. Svaki događaj od nas zahtjeva posebnu pripremu i pomno planiranje. Faza planiranja je ujedno i najvažnija faza u realizaciji događaja. Također, vrlo je važno i odrediti odnosno zadužiti osobe koje će sudjelovati u procesu planiranja i realizacije programa.
U ovom radu govoriti će se u prvom dijelu o procesu planiranja i organizacije događaja. U drugom dijelu govori se o poslovnom protokolu i njegovim značajkama. Naglasak rada biti će diplomatski protokol odnosno protokol Predsjednika Republike Hrvatske. Radeći u Uredu dugi niz godina blisko surađujem sa kolegama djelatnicima Službe za protokol te Službe za informiranje. Oni su, uz službu u kojoj ja radim, Služba za tehničke poslove i upravljanje imovinom, najvažniji „kotačići“ u pokretanju, planiranju i realizaciji određenog službenog programa Ureda. Do sada smo se susretali s raznim ugodnim i manje ugodnim situacijama u kojima je trebalo brzo i učinkovito reagirati kako nitko tijekom odvijanja programa ne bi primijetio da nešto nije u redu. Mogu reći da su djelatnici uvijek dali sve od sebe, a najbolja nagrada im je bila kada su gosti odnosno sudionici određenog događaja otišli zadovoljni te puni pohvala na naš račun. Treba također spomenuti da se za protokol voli često reći da je on tihi jezik diplomacije, jer nam bez puno riječi šalje dobre ili loše neverbalne poruke.
Na žalost, državne institucije Republike Hrvatske do danas još uvijek nisu donijele zakon ili propisana pravila službenog protokola. Stoga ne postoji pisani dokument koji bi pomagao kod organizacije protokolarnih, poslovnih, svečanih ili službenih događanja.
Ostaje nam dakle da se sve prenosi usmenim putem odnosno s generacije na generaciju uz određene prilagodbe tijekom vremena. Zadnjih godina primjećujemo da se stroga forma protokola polako napušta odnosno prilagođava vremenu te drugačijem načinu života. To je razumljivo jer kako se mijenja moda i jezik tako se mijenja i sve ostalo. Međutim, protokol te značenje ceremonija i dalje je vrlo važno. Na kraju bih spomenula jednu rečenicu koja mi se urezala u pamćenje jer su je moje kolege često izgovarale: „S teroristima se može pregovarati, a s protokolom se ne pregovara“. |
Abstract (english) | Events are all around us. Every moment there is an event taking place, whether it is a business meeting, organization of a trip, business trip, organization of a child's birthday, etc. Each event requires special preparation and careful planning from us. The planning phase is the uniform and most important phase in the realization of the event. Also, it is very important to designate or assign persons who will participate in the process of planning and realization of the program.
In the first part of this paper, the process of planning and organizing events will be discussed. The second part discusses the business protocol and its features. The emphasis of the paper will be the diplomatic protocol, that is, the protocol of the President of the Republic of Croatia. Working in the Office for many years, I have worked closely with fellow employees of the Protocol Service and the Information Service. They, along with the department where I work, the Department for Technical Affairs and Property Management, are the most important "cogs" in the initiation, planning and implementation of a certain official program of the Office. So far, we have encountered various pleasant and less pleasant situations in which it was necessary to react quickly and efficiently so that no one would notice that something was wrong during the program. I can say that the employees always gave their best, and the best reward for them was when the guests or participants of a certain event left satisfied and full of praise for us. It should also be mentioned that protocol is often said to be the silent language of diplomacy, because it sends us good or bad non-verbal messages without saying a lot.
Unfortunately, the state institutions of the Republic of Croatia still have not passed the law or prescribed rules of official protocol. Therefore, there is no written document that would help with the organization of protocol, business, ceremonial or official events. So we are left with the fact that everything is transmitted orally, that is, from generation to generation with certain adjustments over time. In recent years, we have noticed that the strict form of the protocol is slowly being abandoned or adapted to the times and a different way of life. This is understandable because as fashion and language change, so does everything else. However, the protocol and meaning of the ceremony is still very important. In the end, I would like to mention one sentence that I have etched in my memory because my colleagues often said: "You can negotiate with terrorists, but you cannot negotiate with the protocol". |