Abstract | Vođenje timova složen je zadatak koji zahtjeva brojne vještine. No zašto su timski rad i vodstvo toliko važni? Kako to izgleda u praksi? Koje akcije možemo poduzeti kako bismo vodili tim u pobjedu? U ovom ćemo radu pokušati odgovoriti na postavljena pitanja. Rad se sastoji od sedam (7) poglavlja i dvadeset i dva (22) potpoglavlja. Započinje uvodom kao prvim poglavljem, te nastavlja definiranjem pojma tim i vođenje u drugom poglavlju kroz koje u šest potpoglavlja prolazi kroz pojmove poput skupine i tim, karakteristike članova skupine i tima, definira timski rad, vođenje tima, samog vođu i karizmu koja je vođi potrebna.
U trećem poglavlju prolazi kroz vrste timova ,dok u četvrtom nastavlja na razne modele motivacije i poticanja tima poput Maslowljeve teorije ljudskih potreba, Herzbergove teorije motivacije, Vroomova teorija očekivanja, McClellandova teorija potreba, i McGregorova terija X i teorija Y. U petom poglavlju rada, prolazi se kroz četiri modela upravljanja timovima, koji su FSNP model, GRPI model, Model Katzenbach i Smith, te Model LaFasto i Larson. U zadnjem potpoglavlju petog poglavlja, analizira se Knjiga „Extreme ownership“. U šestom poglavlju rada, detaljno se prolazi kroz proces kreiranja tima koji započinje definiranjem svrhe kao prvim korakom. Nakon toga koraci su sastavljanje timova, definiranje ciljeva, postavljanje očekivanja, praćenje i kontroliranje i na kraju priznanje i nagrađivanje kao zadnji korak. Rad završava zaključkom kao zadnjim, sedmim poglavljem |
Abstract (english) | Leading teams is a complex task that requires a number of skills. But why are teamwork and leadership so important? What does it look like in practice? What actions can we take to lead the team to victory? In this paper we will try to answer the questions asked. The paper consists of seven (7) chapters and twenty-two (22) subchapters. It begins with an introduction as the first chapter, and continues by defining the term team and leadership in the second chapter through which in six subchapters he goes through terms such as group and team, characteristics of group members and team, defines teamwork, team leadership, the leader and the charisma needed by the leader. In the third chapter paper goes through the types of teams, while in the fourth it continues on various models of team motivation and encouragement such as Maslow's theory of human needs, Herzberg's theory of motivation, Vroom's theory of expectations, McClelland's theory of needs, and McGregor's theory X and theory Y.
In the fifth chapter of the paper, we go through four team management models, which are the FSNP model, the GRPI model, the Katzenbach and Smith Model, and the LaFasto and Larson Model. In the last subchapter of the fifth chapter, the Book "Extreme ownership" is analyzed. In the sixth chapter of the paper, a detailed process of creating a team is started, which begins with defining the purpose as the first step. After that, the steps are team building, defining goals, setting expectations, monitoring and controlling, and finally recognition and rewarding as the last step. The paper ends with the conclusion as the last, seventh chapter. |