Abstract | Prilikom ulaska određenog proizvoda na tržište, nailazimo na brojne izazove i rizike, pogotovo ukoliko domaći proizvod želimo plasirati na vanjsko tržište. Vrlo je bitno osmisliti adekvatnu strategiju, pomno planirati, ali i pratiti vanjske trendove. Kada govorimo o proizvodnji i prodaji namještaja, glavni izazov je biti drugačiji i inovativniji od ostalih, kako zbog velikog broja konkurencije, tako i zbog kompleksnosti stvaranja funkcionalnih proizvoda. Kod izrade namještaja pažnja se usmjerava na više faktora, a oni uključuju funkcionalnost, cijenu, kvalitetu i izgled, odnosno estetiku. Način na koji se Prima grupacija odmiče od svoje konkurencije za čak stepenicu više je korištenje raznih marketinških strategija koje su se godinama formirale i usavršavale. Prima Grupa nudi idealna rješenja za svoje kupce na vanjskom tržištu u odnosu na konkurente, a rješenja podrazumijevaju brzinu isporuke (maksimalan rok od 9 tjedana isporuke za narudžbe, 4 tjedna za reklamacije), razne pogodnosti i popuste (godišnji i sezonski popusti, specijalni rabat za kupce s kojima najviše posluju, popust na nove artikle i izložbene primjerke), B2B marketing (Prima posluje kao posrednik radi što bolje interakcije i pristupačnosti korisničke usluge krajnjem kupcu), ali i ono najvažnije - predstavljanje na godišnjim sajmovima u zemljama gdje žele plasirati svoje proizvode. Iako na prvi pogled zastarjela marketinška metoda, sajmovi i dalje pokazuju najbolje rezultate pri predstavljanju, odnosno oglašavanju novog proizvoda. U današnje vrijeme, sajmovi se moderniziraju i prilagođavaju te na neki način stvaraju simbiozu s novim tehnologijama, a često bivaju medijski popraćeni, posebno ukoliko se radi o sajmovima automobilske industrije, tehnologije i naravno, video igara. Kada govorimo o sajmovima namještaja, oni ne služe samo kao platforma za predstavljanje novog proizvoda, već kao uvid u nadolazeće trendove. Sajmovi služe kako bi se predstavile neke nove potrebe krajnjih kupaca pa nerijetko proizvođači odlaze na sajmove kako bi pokupili ideje za kojima će se voditi pri izradi vlastitog proizvoda. Prima Grupa već godinama sudjeluje na godišnjim sajmovima u Njemačkoj te im upravo oni dovode najviše uspjeha pri prvoj fazi plasiranja proizvoda na austrijsko, njemačko i švicarsko tržište. U radu su detaljno opisane i analizirane marketinške strategije pri plasiranju proizvoda na vanjsko tržište počevši od već spomenute prve faze, odnosno izlaganja na sajmovima, ali i same pripreme oko cjelokupnog projekta izlaganja, do onih kasnijih, gdje dolazimo u direktnu komunikaciju s kupcem, nakon čega se pregovaraju ostale pogodnosti kao što su isporuka u roku u željene filijale, pregovori oko posebnih rabata, cijena te ponuđena korisnička podrška. |
Abstract (english) | During market penetration of a certain product, we encounter various challenges and risks, especially if we want to place a domestic product on the foreign market. It is imperative to devise an adequate strategy, plan carefully, but also follow external trends. When talking about furniture production and sale it is extremely difficult to be different and more innovative due to the large competition, but also due to the complications around the functionality of the items. When making furniture, attention is focused on several factors that include functionality, price, quality and look, i.e. aesthetic. The reason why the Prima Group is a whole step ahead of their competition is using various marketing strategies that have been formed and perfected over the years. The Prima Group offers ideal solutions for its customers in the foreign market compared to its competitors in terms of delivery speed (maximum delivery time of 6 weeks for orders, 4 weeks for complaints), various benefits and discounts (annual and seasonal discounts, special discounts for customers they do business with the most and discounts on new items and exhibits), B2B marketing (Prima acts as an intermediary for better interaction and accessibility of customer service to the end customer), but most importantly exhibiting at annual trade fairs in countries where they want to market their products. Although at first glance an outdated marketing strategy, trade fairs still offer the best results in exhibiting, i.e. advertising a new product.
Nowadays, trade fairs modernize and adapt, but also in some ways create symbiotic relationships with new technologies. Moreover, they are often covered by the media, especially when it comes to trade fairs of the automotive industry, technology and of course video games. When we talk about furniture trade fairs, they serve not only as a platform for presenting a new product, but also as an insight into upcoming trends. Trade fairs serve for presenting the new needs of end customers, so often manufacturers go to those fairs to pick up ideas that will guide them in developing their own product. The Prima Group has been participating in annual trade fairs in Germany for years, and it is they that bring them the most success in the first phase of placing their product on the Austrian, German and Swiss markets. In this paper marketing strategies for placing products on the foreign market will be described in detail and analysed, starting from the aforementioned first phase, i.e. exhibiting at trade fairs, as well as preparing the entire exhibition project to the later phases where there is direct communication with the customer, after which other benefits are negotiated such as delivery within the agreed deadline to the desired branch, negotiations about special discounts, price and offered customer support. |