Abstract | Najbrža rastuća grana u svijetu je turizam. Važnu ulogu u turizmu ima marketing. U današnje vrijeme za uspjeh u turizmu potrebno je da svi koji su zaposleni u njemu posjeduju određena znanja, od znanja iz područja hotelskog menadžmenta, razvoja turističke ponude, načini privlačenja starih i novih klijenata (turista), ponašanje klijenata, provođenje marketinških aktivnosti, promidžbe pa sve do temeljnih znanja iz područja organizacije i mendžmenta. Kada se govori o marketingu u turizmu misli se na primjenu strategija i metoda marketinškog djelovanja na specifične uvjete gdje se formiraju odnosi između subjekata tržišta. Marketing u turizmu je prilagođavanje politike turističkih poduzeća i turističke politike na nacionalnom, regionalnom i lokalnom te međunarodnom nivou, a sve kako bi se zadovoljile potrebe i želje turista i ostvario profit. Danas je odnos marketinga i turizma postao jako važan zbog brzog razvoja tehnologije, veće konkurentnosti, rasta broja turista u svijetu, raznih želja i specifičnih putovanja turista. Zadnjih desetak godina marketing je aktivni sudionik u procesu tržišta. Razvojem interneta marketing u turizmu dobiva novo značenje, dolazi do internetskog oglašavanja i promidžbe turističkih objekata, dobivanje povratnih i točnih informacija odmah s terena. Turizam kao grana je jako promjenjiva, konkurentna i kompleksna. Jedna od najznačajnijih faktora u turističkom poslovanju je odabir ispravne strategije marketinga. Prije odabira strategije marketinga izrađuje se strategija. Izradom strategije marketinga stvara se marketinški miks. Marketing plan i jasni marketinški ciljevi i strategije potrebni su za održavanje konkurentnosti i prilagodbe zbog nastalih promjena. Bitan čimbenik današnjeg turizma je tehnologija čiji je najznačajniji faktor internet koji nudi mnoge mogućnosti dodane vrijednosti i konkurentske prednosti. Velika turistička konkurencija potiče razne investicije u resurse, kvalitetu, znanje i promociju. Važno je pratiti svakodnevno trendove na polju turizmu zbog sve bržeg rasta i konkurencije. |
Abstract (english) | Fastest growing employment branch in the world is tourism. Marketing has an enormous importance in tourism. In order for tourism to succeed today all those who are employed within do need to have certain knowledge; be it in hotel management, broader knowledge of a guide, a way to attract old and new clients while having an understanding of how people might behave. Not to mention, knowledge of various marketing activities, as well as basis of organization and broader management. When we speak of marketing in tourism, we are talking about general application of strategies and methods of marketing while taking advantage of specific conditions which form the core of various relations between market subjects. Marketing in tourism is a process of adapting the many approaches of tourist companies on local, regional, national and international level, all to satisfy the needs and desires of clients (tourists), as well as to turn a profit. Today, the relationship between marketing and tourism has become very important because of the rapid development of technology and competition, as well as the rise in number of tourists in the world, which means greater amount of wishes and specific terms and conditions they might impose. In the last ten years, marketing has been an active participant in the processes of the greater tourist market. With the rising importance of internet, marketing in tourism has taken on a new form. Now, there is a broad variety of internet ads, be it in general sense, or aimed at specific touristic spots, along with easier access to specific and accurate information from the field. As an industry branch, tourism is filled with constant changes, is very competitive and complex. One of the most important factors in tourism is the choice of appropriate marketing strategy. Before one can choose a marketing strategy, building up a more general strategy of approach is needed. By creating these strategies, we create a marketing mix. A plan and clear goals are needed to stay competitive and to adapt to newly created changes. An important factor of tourism today is technology, the foremost of it being the internet, as it offers many venues of approach and competitive advantage. Big touristic competitiveness encourages various investments into resources, quality, knowledge and promotion. It is important to follow trends daily, because the competition does not sleep or slow its growth. |