Title Utjecaj influencera na prodaju
Title (english) The impact of influencers on sales
Author Domagoj Kozić
Mentor Dijana Vuković (mentor)
Committee member Dorotea Milas (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Grmuša (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-10-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Diplomski rad pod nazivom Utjecaj Influencera na prodaju ima za cilj otvoriti temu influencera kao fenomena u procesu prodaje proizvoda i usluga. Influenceri su pojava 21. stoljeća, doba društvenih mreža i virtualne stvarnosti. Kroz rad želimo dati odgovore na pitanja tko su influenceri, gdje se i kako pojavljuju, te kako oni utječu na potrošače , kako ih motiviraju za kupnju kroz diktiranje određenih trendova i sadržaja.
Oni ne govore, kupite, oni na svome primjeru pokazuju što nose, kako se oblače, šminkaju, gdje izlaze, s kime se druže i koje vrijednosti zastupaju. Oni ne reklamiraju sam proizvod kako to radi klasična reklama, oni reklamiraju sebe u interakciji sa proizvodom odnosno uslugom. Na kraju tko su influenceri, velika većina njih prije pojave i promocije na društvenim mrežama nije spadala u nišu celebritiya, bili su next door osobe, a društvene mreže i njihova osobnost ih je pretvorila u celebritiy-je, sa stotinama tisuća i milijunima pratitelja, pretvorila ih je u osobe koje diktiraju trendove i za koje se otimaju etablirane korporacije.
No nisu svi influenceri no name osobe , svjesni novonastale situacije i do tada slavne osobe počele su se ukrcavati u ovaj vlak svjesne popularnosti i utjecaja ovih novih celebritiya. Ali razlika između „pravih“ influencera i etabliranih slavnih osoba korisnici društvenih mreža, influencerskog glavnog medija ipak jasno luče; slavne osobe tj. etablirani celebritiji su plaćene kako bi prikazali i izreklamirale proizvod ili uslugu od određene kompanije za plaćenu svotu novca bez izričaja svoga stava o istom proizvodu, dok naprotiv pravi influenceri su često mada nije pravilo, manje plaćeni i oni govore svoje stavove oko danog proizvoda/usluge te stoga potrošači imaju više povjerenja u njih. Svrha rada je ukazati kakav utjecaj imaju influnceri i na populaciju u Hrvatskoj, kako oni utječu na kupnju i kako motiviraju svoje followere da postanu potencijalni kupci/korisnici.
Abstract (english) The Graduate thesis entitled The Influence of Influencers on Sales aims to open the topic about Influencers as phenomenon in the process of selling products and services.Influencer are phenomenon of 21. St century, in the era of social media and virtual reality. Trough this thesis I wanted to give answer on question such as: Who are the influencers? When and How did they appear? And How they affect consumers? how they motivate them to buy through dictating certain trends and content?
They don“t speak,they don“t buy, they are showing what tohey wear on their own example, How do they dress, How do they put make-up, where do they go out, with who are they hanging out and what are their values that they represent. They don“t promote just a product in a way: How does it work like a classic commercial, they promote their selves i interracion with product or service. In the end who are influencers?, a lot of them just before their appearance and promotion od social media didn“t belonge in celebrity niche, they were next door people, but social medias and their charcter has turned them into celebrities with hundered thousand and million followers, it has turned them into persons who dictate trends and for for which established corporations are vying.
But not all influencers are no name people, aware of the new situation and until then celebrities began to board this train, aware of the popularity and influence of these new celebrities. But the real difference between real influencers and established public figures are easy to spot from the view of social media users, celebrities are paid to display and advertise a product or service from a particular company for a sum of money without expressing their views on the same product, while real influencers are often, though not the rule, less paid and they express their views on a given products / services and therefore consumers have more confidence in them. The purpose of this paper is to point out what influence influencers have on the population in Croatia, how they influence the purchase and how they motivate their followers to become potential buyers / users.
društvene mreže
Keywords (english)
social media
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:786576
Study programme Title: Marketing and communication management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni specijalist/specijalistica marketinga i komunikacija (stručni specijalist/specijalistica marketinga i komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-04-12 13:25:33