Abstract | Marketing je društveni proces koji u društvu usmjerava tok proizvoda od proizvođača prema potrošaču tako da efektivno susreću ponudu i potražnju te ispunjavaju ciljeve društva. Marketing je prisutan već dugi niz godina i bez njega teško da koje poduzeće može steći veliki uspjeh što lokalno pa tako i globalno. Trendovi, želje, navike te same potrebe potrošača mjenjaju se konstantno te se zajedno sa time mjenjaju i strategije marketinga. Nekada je to bio jedan oglas u novinama, radiu i sl., dok danas marketing raspolaže mnogim drugim alatima, kao što su odnosi s javnošću, internet, videoporuke, oglasi, sve veći razvoj tehnologije, društvene mreže, razne aplikacije i sl. Poznato je da koncepcija marketinga nije nastala odjednom niti je ostala nepromijenjena. Ona se stalno mijenja u ovisnosti o razvoju čimbenika okoline sustava marketinga. Marketing danas ima ulogu u svim segmentima ne samo u tome kako dobro promovirati tvrtku, proizvod, marku već kako npr. stimulativnim programima zadržati mlade u Hrvatskoj, kako popularizirati neki objekt za zabave, događaje kao što su arene, klubovi, kuća za odmor ako se nalaze na lošoj lokaciji. To je sve zadaća marketinga koji mora iskoristiti prilike, prijetnje, konkurenciju i sve što zna o potrebama potrošača kako bi određena tvrtka postigla uspjeh. U ovom završnom radu prikazan je razvoj marketinga kroz godine od samih početaka, koje su to strategije marketinga i tipovi strategija koje se primjenjuju danas u svijetu, koji je ključ uspjeha pojedinih tvrtka, primjer Coca-cola strategije i uspješnosti te ostale popratne teme. Odabrana strategija u suvremenom društvu mora biti jasna, nedvosmislena, i jedinstvena. |
Abstract (english) | Marketing is a social process that directs the flow of products from producer to consumer in society so that they effectively meet supply and demand and meet the goals of society. Marketing has been present for many years and without it it is difficult for any company to achieve great success both locally and globally. Trends, desires, habits and the needs of consumers are constantly changing and, along with that, marketing strategies are changing. It used to be an ad in newspapers, radio, etc., while today marketing has many other tools, such as public relations, the Internet, video messages, ads, the growing development of technology, social networks, various applications, etc. It is known that the concept of marketing did not arise all at once nor remained unchanged. It is constantly changing depending on the development of environmental factors of the marketing system. Today, marketing has a role in all segments, not only in how to promote a company, product, brand, but also in how to keep young people in Croatia with incentive programs, how to popularize a party facility, events such as arenas, clubs, holiday homes if located in a bad location. It is all a marketing task that must take advantage of opportunities, threats, competition and everything it knows about the needs of consumers in order for a particular company to succeed. This final paper presents the development of marketing over the years from the very beginning, what are the marketing strategies and types of strategies applied today in the world, which is the key to success of individual companies, an example of Coca-Cola strategy and success and other related topics. The strategy chosen in modern society must be clear, unambiguous, and unique. |