Title Uloga nacionalnih parkova u strategiji turizma u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) The role of nacional parks in the tourism strategy in the Republic of Croatia
Author Dragan Bago
Mentor Predrag Čudina (mentor)
Committee member Neven Šipić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Grmuša (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-10-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Kako bi se osigurala kvalitetna ponuda, a istovremeno i očuvale sve vrijednosti određenog nacionalnog parka, važno je obuhvatiti širok spektar aktivnosti i dionika iz različitih sektora i lokalne zajednice. Na svjetskoj razini, gledajući vrijeme prije pandemije, sve veći broj zaštićenih područja počeo se susretati s negativnim utjecajima turizma koji su rezultirali negativnim posljedicama za prirodne i kulturne vrijednosti, ali i na vizure okolnih područja i kvalitetu života lokalne zajednice. Predmet ovog diplomskog rada su nacionalni parkovi Republike Hrvatske, odnosno njihovo očuvanje i upravljanje u vidu povećanja turističkih aktivnosti na lokalnoj, ali i na razini Republike Hrvatske. Cilj rada odnosi se na uspostavljanje smjera upravljanja razvoja turizma i to na primjeru NP Plitvička jezera. Parcijalni ciljevi rada odnose se na razumijevanje važnosti nacionalnih parkova u turizmu, kao i u njihovom očuvanju. Rad je pokazao da, u valorizaciji svoje prirodne osnove gdje se izričito naglasak stavlja na značajne investicije u zaštitu nacionalnih parkova kao najatraktivnije domene, Hrvatska još uvijek zaostaje u odnosu na europske destinacije. Također, održivo upravljanje destinacijom mora se temeljiti na zaštiti interesa lokalne zajednice u svrhu povećanja turističke potražnje. To se realizira kroz uključivanje lokalnog udruženja i interesnih grupa u proces planiranja i odlučivanja. Naposljetku, rad je zaključio i da, budući da je turizam i turistički razvoj nacionalnih parkova u Hrvatskoj postao prioritet u smislu generiranja konkurentnosti takvih destinacija, potrebno je učinkovito upravljati marketingom nacionalnih parkova u Hrvatskoj.
Abstract (english) In order to ensure a quality offer, and at the same time to preserve all the values of a particular national park, it is important to include a wide range of activities and stakeholders from different sectors and the local community. At the global level, looking at the time before the pandemic, an increasing number of protected areas began to encounter the negative impacts of tourism, which resulted in negative consequences for natural and cultural values, but also for the views of the surrounding areas and the quality of life of the local community. The subject of this thesis is the national parks of the Republic of Croatia, that is, their preservation and management in the form of increasing tourist activities at the local level, as well as at the level of the Republic of Croatia. The goal of the work refers to the establishment of the management direction of tourism development, based on the example of Plitvice Lakes National Park. Partial goals of the work refer to understanding the importance of national parks in tourism, as well as in their preservation. The paper showed that, in the valorization of its natural basis, where the emphasis is placed on significant investments in the protection of national parks as the most attractive domain, Croatia still lags behind European destinations. Also, the sustainable management of the destination must be based on protecting the interests of the local community in order to increase tourist demand. This is realized through the inclusion of local associations and interest groups in the planning and decision-making process. Finally, the paper concluded that, since tourism and tourism development of national parks in Croatia has become a priority in terms of generating the competitiveness of such destinations, it is necessary to effectively manage the marketing of national parks in Croatia.
nacionalni parkovi
Nacionalni park Plitvička Jezera
očuvanje nacionalnih parkova
Keywords (english)
national parks
Plitvička Jezera National Park
preservation of national parks
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:900833
Study programme Title: Marketing and Communications Graduate study Study programme type: professional Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra marketinga i komunikacija (magistar/magistra marketinga i komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-07-04 07:46:36