Abstract | Među definicijama čovjeka u današnjem informatičkom društvu svakako se ističe ona da je čovjek komunikacijsko biće ili biće komunikacije. Kao bitna karakteristika njegove društvenosti upravo su relacije koje uspostavlja i komunikacija kojom se služi. Komunikacija se dijeli na verbalnu i neverbalnu, a kao poseban oblik neverbalne komunikacije izdvaja se vizualna komunikacija. Slika govori više od tisuću riječi više nije metafora.
Govor tijela je zapravo najupečatljiviji izraz vizualne komunikacije. Prisutan je u svakom području javnog života. Vizualna komunikacija uopće, a posebno govor tijela otkriva i stav i emocije.
Umreženost svijeta i društva kao ključni element sadašnjosti, a pogotovo budućnosti vizualne komunikacije izdvaja web dizajn. S tim je povezana važnost marketinga u današnjem vremenu.
Važno je naravno uspostaviti komunikaciju. Nužan je kontakt s publikom/sugovornikom, stvaranje prijateljske atmosfere, izbor auditorija i populacije kojom se obraćamo.
Odijevanje nije samo stvar bontona. Ono je iznimno važno i za poslovanje. Stoga je u sklopu vizualne komunikacije itekako važno pitanje što odjenuti? Od casuala do smokinga. Odijelo u tom smislu definitivno čini čovjeka.
Jednako kao styling važan je izraz lica. Osmijeh otvara sva vrata i oči su prozori duše. Naprosto puno se može reći samo kretanjem ruku, stavom tijela ili izrazom lica. Jednako kao pristupom ili nastupom.
Na koncu upoznali smo se nekim temeljnim razlikama u vizualnoj komunikaciji muškaraca i žena. Očita je razlika u svakom smislu između muškaraca i žena. Ona je uočljiva i jasna, te prepoznatljiva i kad je riječ o vizualnoj komunikaciji. Dodir je ili blizina karakteristika žena dok muškarce puno više definiraju neki drugi elementi.
Jednako tako može se iščitati nervoza, napetost, opuštenost, mirnoća itd. samo preko pušenja.
Vizualno je u komunikaciji nešto što govori sve. |
Abstract (english) | Among the definitions of the man in today's informatics society, the one defining him as a communicating creature or a creature of communication is the most prevalent. The very relations which he establishes and communication which he uses are the important characteristics of his sociability. Communication can be verbal and nonverbal, and the special type of nonverbal communication is the visual communication. In general, in today's informatics society and the global IT world, the society and the world in which information are crucial, the visual is more and more important. The expression „A picture is worth a thousand words“ is not just a metaphor any more.
At the beginning, general information about the visual communication and about its history was written. As everything else, the communication, including the visual communication, has its historical development. Among other things, civilizational development of certain cultures is evident from the type and the form of communication. The body language is, in a fact, the most striking expression of the visual communication. It is present in every area of public life. Body language of participants in a sporting competition reveals who is inferior, and who is superior. The visual communication in general, and especially the body language, also reveals attitude and emotions.
Networking of the world and the society, as the key element of the present, and particularly of the future of the visual communication, gives important place to web design. The importance of the marketing nowadays is strongly associated with these issues.
Of course, it is very important to establish communication. The visual component might be even the crucial one. Contact with the audience/interlocutor, creating friendly environment, the right choice of auditorium and of target audience is indispensable.
Dressing is not just the matter of good manners. It is extremely important for the business as well. Therefore, in the context of visual communication, the question what to wear is very important. From casual clothes to tuxedo. In this sense, the clothes definitely make the man.
The same as the styling, the face expression is also important. Smile can open doors and eyes are mirror to the soul. Simply, much can be said just by moving a hand, by an attitude or by a face expression. The same as with the approach and the manner.
Finally, some basic differences in the visual communication of men and women were presented. The difference between men and women is obvious in every sense. It is noticeable and distinct, and recognizable also when it comes to the visual communication. Touch and nearness are typical for women, while men are much more defined by some other elements.
Equally nervousness, tension, relaxation, calmness, etc. can be simply read from the act of smoking. The visual is the most revealing element in the communication. |