Title (english) Muslim immigration in Europe
Author Jasmin Babača
Mentor Pavle Kalinić (mentor)
Committee member Goran Luburić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Grmuša (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-06-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics International Economics
Abstract Izbjeglička je kriza zahvatila cijeli svijet. Razlozi migriranja različiti su od države do države, a najčešći su bijeg od ratnih stradanja, potraga za boljim životom, odlazak iz nefunkcionalnih država te bijeg od različitih vidova ekstremizma i terorizma. Glavni tokovi migracija usmjereni su prema visokorazvijenim zemljama i područjima, pri čemu je Europska unija unatrag nekoliko godina najpoželjnija, ali i najlakše dostižna destinacija, uključujući i Republiku Hrvatsku. Golem nekontrolirani priljev islamskih migranata u Europsku uniju, neovisno o poduzetim mjerama i pravnim ograničenjima, učinio je ustupak da se to pitanje, kao i pitanje nadzora i sigurnosti granice, pozicionira u žarište zaštite nacionalnih interesa određenih država. Čini se kako izbjeglička kriza nikada nije bila aktualna kao danas zbog velikog priljeva migranata i izbjeglica s Bliskog istoka čije je krajnje odredište Europska unija. No evidentno je da su države i institucije Europske unije kasno prepoznale ili podcijenile islamski migracijski problem kao pojavu koja sa sobom nosi velik sigurnosni rizik od nasilja i terorizma; posebno je povećan rizik u državama u kojima se migranti nalaze. Terorizam i teroristički napadi prisutni su u svijetu od davnih vremena, a danas su široko rasprostranjeni i najčvršći su oblik sile u međunarodnim odnosima. Za terorizmom se sve češće poseže radi postizanja ljudskih prava i sloboda, borbe za demokraciju, a najveći broj terorističkih napada bilježe nažalost muslimanski migranti. Više od milijun muslimanskih migranata ušlo je 2015. godine u prostor Europske unije, a ta je brojka svakim danom sve veća. Ovaj se rad bavi dolaskom migranata s Bliskog istoka na područje Europske unije, s naglaskom na hrvatsko područje. Iako gotovo sve države terorizam i stalne napade svrstavaju u najteže oblike ugrožavanja međunarodne sigurnosti i zajednice, činjenice govore da je Hrvatska jedna od najsigurnijih država Europske unije, jer je migrantima s Bliskog istoka samo zemlja prolaska, a ne i zadržavanja.
Abstract (english) The refugee crisis has affected the whole world. The reasons for migration are different from the state and the place, the most common reasons being escape from the war, search for a better life, leaving the dysfunctional states, and escaping from various forms of extremism and terrorism. The main migration flows are directed towards highly developed countries and areas where the European Union is the most desirable but also the easiest achievable destination in the Republic of Croatia. The enormous uncontrolled influx of Islamic migrants into the European Union, irrespective of the measures taken and legal restrictions, has made the concession that this issue, as well as the issue of border control and security, focuses on the protection of national interests of certain countries. It seems that the refugee crisis has never been as current as today due to the large influx of migrants and refugees from the Middle East whose ultimate destination is the European Union. But what is evident is that the states and institutions of the European Union have recently recognized or underestimated the Islamic migration problem as a phenomenon that poses a major security risk to the violence and terrorism of the country in which they are located. Terrorism and terrorist attacks have been present in the world since ancient times, and today it is widely spread all over the world and represents the strongest force in international relations. The reason for terrorism is increasingly to achieve human rights and freedoms, the struggle for democracy, and the largest number of terrorist attacks are recorded by Islamist migrants. More than a million Islamist migrants entered the EU's space in 2015, this figure is growing every day. This paper deals with the arrival of migrants, especially from the Middle East in the European Union, focusing on the Croatian area. Though almost all states use terrorism and persistent attacks to endanger the international and international security and community, the facts say that Croatia is one of the safest states in the European Union. A great reason for this is the fact that migrants from the Middle East, Croatia as a country are used only as a transition country, but not retention.
muslimanska migrantska kriza
Europska unija
Keywords (english)
Muslim migrant crisis
European Union
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:660970
Study programme Title: Marketing management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-06-20 19:03:55