Abstract | Odluke u marketingu često su pod utjecajem pravnog okruženja kojim se reguliraju odnosi vezani za konkurenciju, ugovorene odnose, cijene, pakiranje, distribuciju, označavanje, isticanje marke i druga područja značajna za marketing. Gospodarski subjekt treba utvrditi potrebe, želje i interese ciljanog tržišta te dostaviti traženo zadovoljstvo efektivnije i efikasnije od konkurenata tako da se održava ili unaprijedi dobrobit potrošača i društva. S ciljem uređenja ponašanja pojedinih sudionika tržišnog komuniciranja te povećanja njihove društvene odgovornosti u Republici Hrvatskoj, kao i na najrazvijenijim tržištima svijeta, doneseno je niz propisa (regulativa) i standarda same struke (samoregulativa) kojima se uređuje tržišno komuniciranje.
Zaštita potrošača, svakako je, barem formalno, najuređenije područje, ne samo brojem odredaba i formalnim aspektom zaštite potrošača, već i ukupnim okvirom zaštite, od Nacionalnog programa do brojnih udruga koje skrbe o zaštiti potrošača od nedopuštene prakse tržišnog komuniciranja.
Pojedine, osjetljive ili štetne proizvode zakonodavac je posebno ograničio glede komuniciranja s obzirom na opasnost od droga, kemikalija do cigareta, alkohola i lijekova, ali i nekih drugih proizvoda. Poseban dio odredbi propisa štite djecu i mlade i druge ranjive skupine, pa se dosta jasno utvrđuju ograničenja kada su u pitanju djeca i mladi.
Naše zakonodavstvo je prenormirano nizom nejasnih i teško provedivih normi, osobito kad je riječ o prirodi tržišnog komuniciranja. Uz deregulaciju, zakonom se može definirati osnovna pitanja dok bi se detalji utvrđivali samoregulativnim standardima struke. |
Abstract (english) | Marketing decisions are often under the influence of the legal surrounding which regulates the relationshipsamong competitors, contractual relationships, pricing, packaging, distribution, labelling, brand positioning and other areas relevant for marketing. The economic operator needs to establish the needs, desires and interests of the target market and provide the required satisfaction more efficiently and effectively than its competitors to sustain or improve the benefit of the consumers and the society. Many regulations and standards within the profession (self-regulation) which regulate the market communication have been established with the aim of regulating particular participants of the market communication and increasing their social responsibility in the Republic of Croatia, as well as in the most developed markets in the world.
The consumer protection is, at least formally, the most regulated area, not just by the number of provisions and the formal aspect of the consumer protection, but also by the total protection framework, ranging from the National programme to numerous associations which protect the consumers from the illicit practice of market communication.
Some of the sensitive or harmful products have been limited specifically by the legislator in terms of communication regarding the danger of narcotics, chemicals, cigarettes, alcohol and drugs, but also some other products. A special combination of legal provisions protects the children and youth as well as other vulnerable groups, so the limitations regarding the children and youth are rather clearly established.
Our legislation is overly normed with a variety of norms which are unclear and difficult to implement, especially when it comes down to the nature of market communication. Along with deregulation, the law can define the fundamental issues whereas the details could be defined via self-regulating professional standards. |