Title (english) Apple Inc.- simple technology and supreme marketing
Author Ivica Grgurić
Mentor Oliver Hip (mentor)
Committee member Željka Zavišić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Grmuša (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Glavni cilj završnog rada je doprinijeti boljem razumijevanju kako jednostavna tehnologija uz pomoć vrhunskog marketinga može postati jedan od najpoznatijih svjetskih brendova. Kao primjer uzet je jedan od najpoznatijih svjetskih brendova – Apple.
Od svog osnutka, Apple je bio drugačiji od drugih kompanija. U ponudi nikada nije bilo puno proizvoda, a oni koji su se nudili imali su visoku cijenu. Trenutno Apple u ponudi ima širok spektar proizvoda, što zbog potražnje, što zbog konkurencije koja se sve brže razvija i na tržište plasira sve bolje i modernije proizvode u skladu sa promjenama na tržištu i u tehnologiji. Trenutno Apple u svojoj ponudi ima kompjutore, mobilne telefone, razne aplikacije, softvere itd.
Najbolji marketinški alat Apple-a su njegovi korisnici koji prilikom lansiranja novoga proizvoda satima čekaju ispred trgovina kako bi mogli prvi kupiti proizvod i dalje ga reklamirati na društvenim mrežama. Korisnici Apple-a su i dalje najbolji marketinški kanal Apple-a. Apple u svojoj marketinškoj komunikaciji više koristi standardne oblike oglašavanja kao što su, tv reklame, tiskani mediji i sl, dok ne posvećuje puno pažnje elektroničkim medijima i društvenim mrežama.
Apple je prvenstveno usmjeren na proizvode u svom pristupu, jer razvija proizvod, a zatim traži tržište za njega. To je uspjelo zahvaljujući, u velikoj mjeri, visokoj kvaliteti i jedinstvenim proizvodima koje je Apple proizveo. Appleu nije trebalo dugo da se pojavi na globalnom tržištu. Apple kreira proizvode za ljude koji traže veliku vrijednost proizvoda i visoku kvalitetu. Apple je dostupan u cijelome svijetu, te je i njihova marketinška komunikacija globalna. Steve Jobs je smatrao da kupac ne zna što želi, već da treba stvoriti proizvod i uvjeriti kupca da mu je taj proizvod potreban.
Abstract (english) The main goal of the final paper is to contribute to a better understanding of how simple technology with the help of top-level marketing can become one of the world's most famous brands. One example is one of the world's most famous brands - Apple.
Since its inception, Apple has been different from other companies. There were never a lot of products in offer, and the ones on offer were priced high. Currently, Apple has a wide range of products on offer, both because of demand, due to the rapidly evolving competition and the market launch of better and more modern products in line with changes in the market and technology. Currently, Apple offers computers, mobile phones, various applications, software, etc.
Apple's best marketing tool is its customers who wait hours in front of stores when launching a new product to be the first to buy the product and continue to market it on social networks. Apple users are still Apple's best marketing channel. Apple uses marketing forms of advertising such as, TV commercials, print media, etc. in its marketing communications, while not paying much attention to electronic media and social networks.
Apple is primarily focused on products in its approach as it develops the product and then looks for a market for it. This was thanks to, to a large extent, the high quality and unique products that Apple produced. It didn't take long for Apple to hit the global market. Apple creates products for people who are looking for great product value and high quality. Apple is available worldwide, and their marketing communications are global. Steve Jobs felt that the customer did not know what he wanted, but that he needed to create a product and convince the customer that he needed the product.
jednostavna tehnologija
vrhunski marketing
Keywords (english)
Simple Technology
Top Marketing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:213856
Study programme Title: Marketing management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-12-02 09:54:58