Title (english) Nonverbal communication of american street gangs
Author Bruno Bartolić
Mentor Tanja Grmuša (mentor)
Committee member Željka Zavišić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Neven Šipić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Tema ovog završnog rada odnosi se proučavanje neverbalne komunikacije američkih uličnih bandi te pogled iste kroz prizmu komunikologije. Rad se bavi općim pojmom komunikacije, kako i zašto komuniciramo. Kroz rad se osvrćemo na faktore koji su bitni za uspješnu komunikaciju, na faktore koji otežavaju komunikaciju i na faktore koji doprinose boljoj, bržoj i efikasnijoj komunikaciji. Također, neverbalna je komunikacija velik dio komuniciranja svake osobe, a komunikacija je neizbježno svakodnevna pojava svakog čovjeka stoga se u radu bavimo i proučavanjem neverbalne komunikacije. Komunikacijom ne prenosimo samo poruke, već ideje, mišljenja, a često se u tijeku komunikacije prenosi i sama osobnost komunikatora te osoba koja prima poruku istovremeno uči kako komunicirati, odnosno kopirati stil komunikacije osobe koja tu poruku šalje. Upravo u tom slučaju proučavamo neverbalnu komunikaciju američkih uličnih bandi, koje su kroz vrijeme razvile vrlo specifičnu i drukčiju komunikaciju od uobičajene. Zbog marginaliziranosti američkih uličnih bandi, odnosno često nezakonitih radnji, ta je tema postala iznimno interesantna pop kulturi. Razni mediji, glazba, popularne osobe preuzele su stil komunikacije te su izravno počeli koristiti komunikaciju određene ulične bande u svrhu promocije „divljeg“ ili „zabavnijeg“ stila života. Predstavnici pop kulture imaju izravan i snažan utjecaj na mladu populaciju što je rezultiralo činjenicom da mlade osobe koje nisu izravno u doticaju s američkim uličnim bandama preuzimaju stilove komuniciranja te počinju koristiti njihovu vrstu neverbalne komunikacije za svoje vlastite potrebe komuniciranja što se vrlo lako može okarakterizirati kao negativan utjecaj neverbalne komunikacije američkih uličnih bandi na popularnu i mladu kulturu.
Abstract (english) Main theme of this final paper is to study the non-verbal communication of American street gangs and to look at them through the prism of communication science. The paper deals with the general concept of communication, how and why we communicate. Throughout the paper analyse various factors that are essential for successful communication, the factors that make communication difficult and the factors that contribute to better, faster and more effective way of communication. Also, non-verbal communication is a big part of every person's communication habits, and communication is inevitably a daily occurrence for everyone, so we are also analysing non-verbal communication in this paper. Communication does not only convey messages, but ideas, opinions, and often in the course of communication the personality of the communicator is also conveyed, and the person receiving the message simultaneously learns how to communicate or copy the communication style of the person sending the message. It is in this case that we study the non-verbal communication of American street gangs, which over time have developed very specific and different communication forms, specially non-verbal ones. Due to the marginalization of American street gangs, and often illegal acts, this topic has become extremely interesting to pop culture. Various media platforms, music genres and popular people have adopted street gang style of communication and have directly started using the communication of a particular street gang for the purpose of promoting a "wild" or "more fun" lifestyle. Pop culture representatives have a direct and powerful influence on the youth population, resulting in the fact that young people who are not directly in contact with American street gangs adopt communication styles and begin to use that type of non-verbal communication for their own communication needs, which can easily be characterized as negative impact of non-verbal communication by American street gangs on popular and youth culture.
neverbalna komunikacija
američke ulične bande
popularna kultura
kultura mladih
Keywords (english)
non-verbal communication
American street gang
pop culture
youth culture
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:260543
Study programme Title: Marketing management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-12-02 11:18:07