Title Uloga bloga kao komunikacijskog kanala u kriznoj komunikaciji: studija slučaja afere Agrokor
Title (english) The role of the blog as a communication channel in crisis communication: a case study of the Agrokor affair
Author Iva Rebić
Mentor Tanja Grmuša (mentor)
Committee member Goran Luburić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Predrag Čudina (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-04-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Krizna situacija ozbiljan je incident koji utječe na sigurnost ljudi i okoline. Krizna situacija obilježena je gubitkom, zato duboko prodire u integritet čovjeka, osobito ako na nju nije bio spreman. ,,U kriznoj situaciji obilježenoj gubitkom nekoga ili nečega, čovjek prolazi kroz različite stadije i faze. Čovjek je ljudsko biće te njegov osobni i profesionalni razvoj ovisi o vještini komunikacije. Svatko od nas ima potrebu i želju ulaziti u interakciju s drugima i međusobno komunicirati. Važnost komunikacije učimo od samog rođenja kada postajemo svjesni učinka na sugovornike.“ Razvoj tehnologije i novih medija taj je učinak dodatno pojačao. Društvene mreže virtualne su zajednice i grupe ,,ljudi koje komuniciraju na različi-te načine i to upotrebom blogova, e-maila, te koji međusobno dijele video zapise, fotografije za društvene, poslovne i obrazovne svrhe.“ U odnosu na direktnu komunikaciju društvene mreže daju veće mogućnosti interakcije i individualizacije. Predmet ovog rada uključuje analizu uloge bloga kao komunikacijskog kanala u kriznoj komunikaciji u slučaju afere Ag-rokor. ,,Cilj je ovog rada istražiti krizno komuniciranje kao oblik komuniciranja koji se do-gađa u posebnim uvjetima. Komunikacija je dio svakodnevnog života, pa se tako komunicira i u situacijama koje mogu utjecati na čovjekovu sigurnost odnosno na ugled organizacije.“ Poslovna kriza dolazi iznenada i kao izvanredan događaj uzrokuje prijetnju organizaciji u ostvarenju njezinih ciljeva. U ovom radu, na primjeru afere Agrokor, prikazat će se uloga bloga kao komunikacijskog kanala u kriznoj komunikaciji. Rezultati istraživanja trebali bi pokazati tko je odgovoran za imidž korporacije tijekom i nakon nastale krize, kakvo je bilo krizno komuniciranje u slučaju Agrokor, te kako je korporacija odgovorila na krizu. Kroz ovaj rad želi se dati doprinos u istraživanju uloge bloga kao komunikacijskog kanala u kriz-noj komunikaciji kroz analizu slučaja afere Agrokor.
Abstract (english) A crisis situation is a serious incident that affects the safety of people and the environment. A crisis situation is marked by loss, so it penetrates deep into a person's integrity, especially if he was not ready for it. ,,In a crisis situation marked by the loss of someone or something, a person goes through different stages and phases. Man is a human being and his personal and professional development depends on the skill of communication. Each of us has a need and desire to interact with others and communicate with each other. We learn the importance of communication from birth when we become aware of the effect on interlocutors.“ The development of technology and new media has further enhanced this effect. Social networks are virtual communities and groups of ,,people who communicate in different ways using blogs, e-mails, and who share videos, photos for social, business and educational purposes.“ In relation to direct communication, social networks provide greater opportunities for interaction and individualization. The subject of this paper includes an analysis of the role of the blog as a communication channel in crisis communication in the case of the Agrokor affair. ,,The aim of this paper is to investigate crisis communication as a form of communication that occurs in special conditions. Communication is a part of everyday life, so it is communicated in situations that may affect human security or the reputation of the organization.“ The business crisis comes suddenly and as an extraordinary event poses a threat to the organization in achieving its goals. In this paper, on the example of the Agrokor affair, the role of the blog as a communication channel in crisis communication will be presented. The results of the research should show who is responsible for the image of the corporation during and after the crisis, what was the crisis communication in the case of Agrokor, and how the corporation responded to the crisis. This paper seeks to contribute to the research of the role of the blog as a communication channel in crisis communication through the analysis of the case of the Agrokor affair.
krizna komunikacija
novi mediji
Keywords (english)
crisis communication
new media
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:805060
Study programme Title: Marketing and communication management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni specijalist/specijalistica marketinga i komunikacija (stručni specijalist/specijalistica marketinga i komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-11-15 08:45:43