Title (english) Ethics and manager's social responsibility
Author Bernarda Markić
Mentor Dijana Vuković (mentor)
Committee member Tanja Grmuša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Predrag Čudina (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-10-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Sve je veći interes za usustavljivanje poslovne etike u poslovanje, jer je prepoznata njezina važnost ukoliko poduzeća žele dugoročnu održivost. Suvremenost suočava čovjeka s egzistencijalnim pitanjima koja uvjetuju razni faktori. Stoga je još važnije staviti naglasak na etičnost. Etika počiva na moralu, pravednosti, ljubavi i slobodi. Cilj je stvoriti takvu tvrtku u kojoj će biti zastupljeno sve prethodno navedeno. Imperativ uspješne organizacije nalaže „stopljenost“ etike i profitabilnosti u poslovanju. Samo ono poduzeće koje je prožeto etičkim načelima i etički vođenim postupcima postaje dugoročno održivo i uspješno te kojemu je najvažniji ekonomski cilj (ostvarenje profita) protkan poslovnom etikom. Stoga, etika je ključan element uspješnog poslovanja koja postoji kao pružatelj istinitih informacija te opisuje konkretan i pošten odnos tvrtke prema djelatnicima, djelatnika međusobno, te tvrtke prema zajednici i okolini u kojoj djeluje. Poslovna etika prvenstveno polazi od vođa, koji su ključni u stvaranju „etičke“ klime u svojoj organizaciji, a takva uloga zahtijeva visok stupanj senzibiliteta prema svima unutar poduzeća. Etični vođe poštuju druge, angažirani su na ostvarenje zajedničkog dobra poduzeća i djelatnika, pravični su i iskreni te teže zajedničkom uspjehu. Poduzeće, za razliku od pojedinaca, kao institucija, nema savjest ni osjećaj te je krajnje vrijeme da se preispitaju načela poslovanja i razmisli o etici u poslovanju. Naposljetku, etično ponašanje ljudi ostvaruje održivi uspjeh poduzeća, a ujedno ima pozitivne učinke na zajednicu u kojoj djeluje te okoliš u kojem se nalazi.
Kroz utvrđivanje teorijskog okvira društveno odgovornog poslovanja, ovim radom je, uz integrativni pristup, prikazana marketinška dimenzija tog poslovnog koncepta. Temeljem dodirnih točaka između društveno odgovornog poslovanja i marketinga, stvorena je podloga za prikaz konkretnih aktivnosti koje poduzeća može poduzeti ukoliko u potpunosti želi iskoristiti prednosti koje nosi integracija društveno odgovornog poslovanja u strateški marketing. Kako poslovne odluke donose članovi organizacije odnosno njeni zaposlenici, provedeno je konkluzivno deskriptivno istraživanje.
Abstract (english) There is a growing interest in getting business ethics into the business, as it recognises its importance if businesses want long-term sustainability. Modernity confronts man with existential questions that are conditioned by various factors. It is therefore even more important to put emphasis on ethics. Ethics rests on morality, righteousness, love and freedom.
The aim is to create such a company in which all of the above will be represented. The imperative of a successful organization dictates the "melting" of ethics and profitability in business. Only that company that is imbued with ethical principles and ethically guided procedures becomes sustainable and successful in the long term and whose most important economic goal (profit-making) is through business ethics. Therefore, ethics is a key element of a successful business that exists as a provider of truthful information and describes the company's concrete and honest relationship with employees, employees and the company to the community and the environment in which it operates.Business ethics primarily stem from leaders, who are crucial in creating an "ethical" climate in their organization, and such a role requires a high degree of sensitivity to everyone within the company. Ethical leaders respect others, are engaged in achieving a common good of enterprise and employees, are fair and honest, and strive for shared success. The company, unlike individuals, as an institution, has no conscience or feel and it is high time to rethink the principles of business and think about the ethics of business. Finally, the ethical behaviour of people achieves the sustainable success of the company, while also having positive effects on the community in which it operates and the environment in which it is located.
Through the determination of the theoretical framework of socially responsible business, this work, with an integrative approach, presents the marketing dimension of this business concept. Based on the touch points between corporate social responsibility and marketing, a background has been created to show the specific actions that businesses can take if it is fully committed to taking full advantage of the benefits of the INTEGRATION of the DOP into strategic marketing. Since business decisions are made by members of the organization or its employees, a conceited descriptive survey.
društveno odgovorno poslovanje
poslovna etika
Keywords (english)
social responsibility
business ethics
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:974002
Study programme Title: Marketing management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) marketinga i komunikacija (stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) marketinga i komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-04-11 10:46:03