Title Utjecaj digitalnih medija na mlade na primjeru društvene mreže TikTok
Title (english) The influence of digital media on young people on the example of the social network TikTok
Author Barbara Raspudić
Mentor Tanja Grmuša (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Ivančević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Neven Šipić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Mass Media
Abstract Digitalni mediji, uključujući i društvene mreže poput TikToka, imaju značajan utjecaj na mlađu populaciju. TikTok je popularna platforma za razmjenu kratkih videozapisa koja je stekla ogromnu popularnost među tinejdžerima i mladima diljem svijeta. Digitalni mediji omogućuju mladima da ostanu povezani s prijateljima, obitelji širom svijeta putem različitih platformi za komunikaciju poput društvenih mreža, aplikacija za razmjenu poruka i video pozive. To pruža mogućnosti za stvaranje i održavanje
... More socijalnih veza, ali istovremeno može dovesti i do prekomjernog virtualnog povezivanja na štetu stvarnih interakcija. Mladi ljudi danas imaju lak pristup informacijama putem interneta. Digitalni mediji omogućuju pristup različitim izvorima informacija, vijestima, obrazovnim sadržajima i resursima za učenje. To može biti izuzetno korisno za njihovu edukaciju, istraživanje interesa i razvoj vještina. Mladi ljudi koriste digitalne medije kao platformu za izražavanje vlastitog identiteta i interesa. Kroz blogove, fotografije i druge oblike online sadržaja, mogu dijeliti svoje stavove, kreativnost i talente s drugima. Digitalni mediji mogu pružiti mladima prostor za samopromociju i izgradnju vlastitog brenda, ali isto tako mogu izazvati i pritisak za stvaranje lažne slike o sebi ili izložiti mlade kibernetičkom zlostavljanju.
Rad donosi i istraživanje o utjecaju digitalnih medija na mlađu populaciju kojem je cilj bio utvrditi koliko vremena mladi provode na digitalnim medijima, pomažu li digitalni mediji mlađoj populaciji tijekom učenja te na koji način utječu na sposobnost socijalizacije i jesu li sigurni na toj mreži. Osim toga, cilj je također bio istražiti kako sadržaj na društvenoj mreži TikTok utječe na oblikovanje stavova kod mlađe populacije i kakva su iskustva mladih pri upotrebi društvene mreže TikTok. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 100 ispitanika mlađe populacije u dobi od 18 do 22 godine. Anketa je sastavljena posredstvom Googleovog alata „Google Forms“ te je distribuirana kolegama na fakultetu putem e-maila te je također distribuirana objavama na društvenim mrežama. Ispunjavanju anketnog upitnika odazvalo se ukupno 100 ispitanika što uzorak čini reprezentativnim Less
Abstract (english) Digital media, including social networks like TikTok, have a significant impact on the younger population. TikTok is a popular platform for sharing short videos that has gained immense popularity among teenagers and young people around the world. Digital media allows young people to stay connected with friends, family and around the world through various communication platforms such as social networks, messaging apps and video calling. This provides opportunities for creating and maintaining
... More social connections, but at the same time it can lead to excessive virtual connection at the expense of real interactions. Today, many people have easy access to information via the Internet. Digital media provide access to various sources of information, news, educational content and learning resources. This can be extremely beneficial for their education, exploring interests and developing skills. Young people use digital media as a platform to express their own identity and interests. Through blogs, photos and other forms of online content, they can share their views, creativity and talents with others. Digital media can provide young people with space for self-promotion and building their own brand, but they can also cause pressure to create a false image of themselves or expose young people to cyberbullying. This thesis also brings research on the impact of digital media on the younger population, the goal of which was to determine how much time young people spend on digital media, whether digital media help the younger population during learning, and how it affects the ability to socialize and whether they are safe on that network. In addition, the goal was also to investigate how content on the social network TikTok affects the formation of attitudes among the younger population and what are the experiences of young people when using the social network TikTok. In this thesis, research was conducted on the influence of digital media on the younger population using the example of the social network TikTok on a sample of 100 respondents of the younger population between the ages of 18 and 22. The survey was compiled using Google's tool "Google Forms" and was distributed to colleagues at the faculty via e-mail and was also distributed through posts on social networks. A total of 100 respondents answered the questionnaire, which makes the sample representative. Less
digitalni mediji
digitalni marketing
društvene mreže
društvena mreža TikTok.
Keywords (english)
digital media
digital marketing
social networks
social network TikTok
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:045956
Study programme Title: Marketing and Communications Graduate study Study programme type: professional Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra marketinga i komunikacija (magistar/magistra marketinga i komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-09-01 13:10:35