Abstract | Rad je usmjeren na obradu teme pod pojmom Emocionalna privrženost digitalnim medijima. Opisan je pojam medijske prisutnosti, što on znači za društvo u cjelini. Postavlja se niz pitanja o samoj važnosti, a s druge strane o sveprisutnom galopirajućem medijskom utjecaju. Naglašena je važnost medijske uloge informiranja i povezivanja, ali isto tako i stvaranja određenih vrijednosti, navika i ponašanja. Nezamisliv je život današnjeg čovjeka kakav je nekada bio, što implicira prolaznost i dolaznost, dolaznost novoga vremena, opstojnost istoga i prilagodljivost novomu. Prilagodljivost je neophodna i nužna, potrebna i svjesnosti „željna“. Mediji pomažu, ali i odmažu, ukoliko se ne koriste na pravilan način, postajemo robovi onoga što bismo trebali kontrolirati, ili bar znati tko je u čijim rukama. Pregršt je mogućnosti, a to možemo gledati kao „dvosjekli mač“, s jedne strane mogućnosti vrve, a s druge strane od silne nade postajemo beznadni i ukalupljeni. Medijski skeptici ne strahuju od iskrivljenog ogledala, kako medije često nazivaju. Procjena, mudrost i nelakovjerje ključ su oštroumnog promišljanja medijskog djelovanja. U moru informacija vrlo lako se postaje izgubljen. Koliko je potrebno da bi čovjek bio informiran, a koliko malo da bude dezorijentiran. Kao što je rečeno, postoje i pozitivne strane medijskog postojanja, međutim ovaj rad je više pažnje posvetio obradi potencijalnih rizika i opasnosti. U okviru negativnih pogleda, obrađeno je nekoliko elemenata koji medije čine toliko moćnima. To su manipulacija, vrijednosti i nasilje. Tri spomenuta elementa koja su komplementarna i ujedno najbolji primjeri sustavne kontrole. Na tragu svega provedeno je kvantitativno istraživanje na spomenutu temu s ciljem prikupljanja informacija o psiho-emocionalnom utjecaju i kvalitete konzumacije s obzirom na pripadnost dobnoj skupini te su rezultati obrađeni i interpretirani. |
Abstract (english) | The work is focused on processing the topic under the term Emotional attachment to digital media. The concept of media presence is described, what it means for society as a whole. A number of questions are raised about the importance itself, and on the other hand about the omnipresent galloping media influence. The importance of the media's role of informing and connecting, but also of creating certain values, habits and behavior, was emphasized. The life of today's man as it used to be is unimaginable, which implies transience and coming, the coming of a new time, the persistence of the same and adaptability to the new. Adaptability is necessary and necessary, necessary and "desirous" of awareness. The media help, but also take revenge, if they are not used properly, we become slaves to what we should control, or at least know who is in whose hands. There are a handful of possibilities, and we can see this as a "double-edged sword", on the one hand, possibilities abound, and on the other hand, we become hopeless and moldy from overwhelming hope. Media skeptics are not afraid of the distorted mirror, as the media is often called. Assessment, wisdom and disbelief are the key to shrewd thinking of media activity. It is very easy to get lost in the sea of information. How much is needed for a person to be informed, and how little to be disoriented. As it was said, there are also positive sides of the media existence, however, this paper paid more attention to the processing of potential risks and dangers. Within the framework of negative views, several elements that make the media so powerful are discussed. These are manipulation, values and violence. The three mentioned elements are complementary and at the same time the best examples of systematic control. In the wake of everything, a quantitative research was conducted on the mentioned topic with the aim of collecting information about the psycho-emotional impact and quality of consumption with regard to belonging to the age group, and the results were processed and interpreted. |