Abstract | Ako nešto nije objavljeno u tisku, kao da se nije ni dogodilo - svima nam je dobro poznata teza. No, je li baš tako? Pogledavši unazad poprilično se promijenio svijet u kojem živimo i to u svim segmentima. Vrijeme je novac, brzina je način života, tehnološke novosti od prijeke su važnosti, a informacija je ono najvažnije. Još prije desetak godina bilo je uvriježeno informirati se u dnevnom tisku čitajući o događaju koji se dogodio nekoliko dana ranije. Taj zastarjeli, tromi način sada je prošlost. Još 2001. godine vlasnik vodećeg hrvatskog dnevnika, Večernjeg lista, postaje poznati austrijski koncern Styria Media Group AG. Njihovi su menadžeri istražili tržište i znajući da bi Večernji list zadržao lidersku poziciju, mora doći do promjena i biti u korak s vremenom. Ubrzo dolazi do regionalizacije, pa se u tiskovine svakodnevno umeću posebni prilozi baš iz županije u kojoj se prodaje određeni dnevnik. To je izazvalo veliko zanimanje čitatelja čiji se broj svakodnevno povećavao. Naravno, najveći razlog bile su priče koje govore o ljudima i izvještavanja direktno s terena. Rad iz redakcije sve više postaje prošlost, a izlazak na teren svakodnevica. Biti uvijek korak ispred konkurencije bio je i ostao stalni cilj. Sve planirano se i ostvarivalo i to ne samo u Večernjem listu, već i u Poslovnom dnevniku, kao i u 24sata, koji su svi dio koncerna Styria. Ubrzano se razvijao i digital, iako je tu do izražaja došla brzina. Naime, suvremeni čitatelj želi odmah saznati novosti, pa iskusni novinari, odlična tehnologija i uređivačka koncepcija i u tom su području postigli i postižu respektabilne rezultate i portal Večernjeg lista redovno je među vodećima. Kako je oglašavanje primarno financiranje, a prodaja tiskovina tek sekundarno - sve se više ulaže u digital, te na taj način najbrže dolazi do čitatelja. Zato se osmišljavaju posebne kampanje za oglašivače koji za plasman proizvoda kombiniraju web i print, a djelatnici Odjela prodaje izrađuju ponude personalizirane za određenog klijenta, ali pun pogodak je i novost koja je uvedena 2020. godine – specijalizirani projekti. Vezani za turizam, gospodarstvo, ekologiju, kulturu i brojne druge teme polučili su odličan uspjeh. Oglašavanje istih te tematske konferencije s eminentnim sugovornicima naišle su na veliko zanimanje. Dokaz je i projekt Rezolucija Zemlja, ekološki projekt koji je nakon samo godinu dana trajanja u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama u svibnju 2023. godine dobio nagradu najboljeg svjetskog projekta u kategoriji društveno odgovornog poslovanja. |
Abstract (english) | If something isn't published in the press, it's as if it didn't even happen - we're all familiar with the thesis. But is it really so? Looking back, the world we live in has changed quite a bit in all segments. Time is money, speed is a way of life, technological innovations are of utmost importance, and information is the most important thing. Even ten years ago, it was customary to get information in the daily press by reading about an event that happened a few days earlier. That outdated, sluggish way is now a thing of the past. Back in 2001, the famous Austrian concern Styria Media Group AG became the owner of the leading Croatian daily, Večernji list. Their managers have researched the market and knowing that in order for Večernji list to maintain its leadership position, there must be changes and be in step with the times. Regionalization soon takes place, so daily special contributions are inserted into the press from the county where the particular newspaper is sold. This aroused great interest among readers, whose number increased daily. Of course, the biggest reason was the stories that talk about people and reporting directly from the field. Work from the newsroom is increasingly becoming a thing of the past, and going out into the field is every day. Always being one step ahead of the competition was and remains a constant goal. Everything was planned and realized, not only in Večernji list, but also in Poslovni dnevnik, as well as in 24sata, which are all part of the Styria concern. Digital also developed rapidly, although this is where speed came to the fore. Namely, the modern reader wants to know the news immediately, so experienced journalists, excellent technology and editorial concept have achieved and are achieving respectable results in this area, and the Večernji list portal is regularly among the leaders. As advertising is the primary financing, and the sale of print media is only secondary - more and more is being invested in digital, which is the fastest way to reach readers. That's why special campaigns are designed for advertisers that combine web and print for product placement, and sales department employees create personalized offers for a specific client. But the novelty that was introduced in 2020 is also a hit - specialized projects. Related to tourism, economy, ecology, culture and numerous other topics, they achieved great success. Their advertising and thematic conferences with eminent interlocutors met with great interest. The proof is also the Earth Resolution project, an ecological project that, after only one year of operation in the United States of America in May 2023, received the award of the best world project in the category of socially responsible business. |