Sažetak | Profesionalni sport je postao široko područje ljudske sfere djelovanja, ugrađen u sve vitalne elemente društvene strukture, u moderno vrijeme posebice ekonomiji, zbog čega se javila potreba za znanstveno - istraživačkim pristupom ovom fenomenu. Odnosi na relaciji profesionalni sport – ekonomija – suvremeno društvo veoma su raznovrsni, uzajamni i promjenjivi pogotovo u današnjem vremenu. Položaj i uloga sporta uopće, a samim time i profesionalnog (vrhunskog) sporta razlikovala se između zemalja, kroz povijest, kako po epohama tako i u okviru iste epohe, sve do sadašnjeg suvremenog društva u kojem profesionalni sport zbog mnogih razloga zaslužuje poseban tretman. Njegov položaj razlikuje se u demokratskim i nedemokratskim društvima, a njegova afirmacija zavisi od društveno – političkog sistema. U razvijenom suvremenom društvu profesionalni sport je nezavisno područje, prije svega u ekonomskom smislu, jer široko sportsko tržište predstavlja idealan prostor za plasman kapitala i stvaranje profita. U uvjetima visokog stupnja društveno – ekonomskog razvoja potreba za proučavanjem ekonomskih dimenzija profesionalnog sporta dobiva sve veći značaj. U modernom društvu menadžment u profesionalnom sportu predstavlja znanstvenu disciplinu, odnosno koristi znanstvene metode prilikom donošenja odluka. Menadžeri upravljaju svim segmentima profesionalnog sporta i osnovni cilj njihovog djelovanja je unaprjeđenje i razvoj profesionalnog sporta i sporta uopće. U suvremenom profesionalnom sportu marketing, po ulozi i važnosti, predstavlja najznačajniju radnu funkciju bilo koje sportske organizacije. Pojmovi sportsko tržište, sportski proizvod i sponzorstvo u ekonomskom smislu moraju se dobro poznavati kako bi se shvatio značaj profesionalnog sporta za budžet jedne nacije, pogotovo danas u vrijeme poslije velike svjetske ekonomske krize. Shvaćanje ekonomskih dimenzija profesionalnog sporta u društvu mora postati prioritet kako bi se i društvo i sport razvijali u pozitivnom smjeru. Sportski događaj predstavlja ogledalo efikasnosti ne samo sportskog treninga i pripreme vrhunskih sportaša, već i drugih funkcija sportske organizacije i profesionalnog sporta općenito. Suština profesionalnog sporta i sportskog događaja je natjecanje, bez kojeg je nemoguće objasniti sport kao društveni fenomen. Također treba istaknuti da ekonomija kao najvažniji element društvene strukture djeluje na sport, kao što i sam sport, a naročito profesionalni, utječe na razvoj suvremenog društva. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Professional sports have become a wide area of human sphere of action, incorporated in all essential elements of the social structure, especially in the modern-time economy, resulting in the need for a scientific-research approach to this phenomenon. The professional sports – economy -modern society relations are very diverse, mutual and changeable, especially nowadays. The position and the role of the sports in general, and thus of the professional (high-level) sports, have differed among countries throughout history, both between different eras, as well as within one era, until the today's modern society in which professional sports deserve a special treatment due to many reasons. Their position differs in democratic and non-democratic societies, while its affirmation depends on the social-political system. In modern and developed society professional sports are an independent area, primarily in an economic sense, since the wide sports market presents an ideal space for equity investment and profit-making. In the terms of a high-level, social-economic development, a greater significance is given to the need to study the economic dimensions of professional sports. In the modern society, the professional sports management presents a scientific discipline, by using the scientific methods in making decisions. Managers steer all the segments of the professional sports, and the main goal of their operations refers to the improvement and the development of the professional sports, as well as sports in general. In the modern professional sports, marketing presents the most significant operational function of any sports organization in terms of its role and significance. The concepts of the sports market, sports product and sponsorship must be well understood in the economic sense so as to understand the significance of the professional sports for the budget of a nation, nowadays in particular, in the after-period of the great economic crisis. The perception of the economic dimensions of the professional sports must become a social priority in order for both the society and the sports to develop in a positive direction. A sports event presents a mirror of efficiency, not only of sports training and the preparation of top-level athletes, but also of other functions of a sports organization and the professional sports in general. The essence of the professional sports and sports events is a competition, in the absence of which it would be impossible to interpret sports as a social phenomenon. It is also important to point out that economy, as the most important element of a social structure, affects sports, just as sports themselves (and especially the professional ones) affect the development of a modern society. |