Sažetak | Ovisno o razini izgrađenosti tržišnih odnosa i institucija, turizmom se upravlja odgovarajućom turističkom politikom i tzv. glavnim planovima turizma na razini zemlje, njenih regija ili destinacija, Tamo gdje su uspostavljeni jasni odnosi i uloge između poduzetničkog i javnog sektora, turistička politika kao sastavni dio nacionalne ekonomske politike svodi se na instrumente fiskalne, kreditno-monetarne, vanjsko¬trgovinske, radno-socijalne, komunalne, zemljišne, ekološke, kulturne i drugih politika kojima država regulira vlastite gospodarske, socijalne i prostorno-ekološke i kulturne procese. Unutar samog sektora turizma regulira se i politika nacionalne turističke promocije, te specifični standardi i kontrola kvalitete direktne turističke ponude.
Nova strategija i novi image hrvatskog turizma temelji se na uravnoteženom i odgovornom razvoju, na konceptu aktivne zaštite prostora putem izgradnje, obogaćivanja i oživljavanja postojećih resursa, te uređenju i izgradnji, figurativno kažimo, etnosela, ekozavičajnih parkova, ekoloških zona, sportsko-zabavnih centara i klubova, kulturno-turističkih ambijenata, što zajedno daje novi identitet određenom odredištu. Posebice se moraju naglasiti raznolike mogućnosti koje se stvaraju razvijanjem i oživljavanjem nerazvijenih i neizgrađenih aglomeracija i područja te obnovom različitih tradicionalnih obrta i drugih djelatnosti, razvojem malih i kvalitetnih programa i aktivnosti u obliku otočkog, seoskog, gastronomskog (zdrava hrana), obiteljskog, kontinentalnog, kulturnog, ekološkog, edukativno- komunikacijskog, alternativnog i sportsko-rekreativno-zabavnog turizma. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Depending on the level of market relations and institutions, tourism is managed by an appropriate tourism policy and the so-called. main plans of tourism at the level of the country, its regions or destinations, Where clear relations and roles are established between the business and public sector, tourism policy as an integral part of national economic policy is reduced to instruments of fiscal, credit and monetary, foreign trade, labor social, communal, land, ecological, cultural and other policies by which the state regulates its own economic, social and spatial-ecological and cultural processes. Within the tourism sector itself, the policy of national tourist promotion is regulated, as well as specific standards and quality control of the direct tourist offer.
The new strategy and new image of Croatian tourism is based on balanced and responsible development, the concept of active protection of space through construction, enrichment and revitalization of existing resources, and arrangement and construction, figuratively speaking, ethno-villages, eco-native parks, ecological zones, sports and entertainment centers and clubs, cultural and tourist environments, which together give a new identity to a particular destination. Particular emphasis must be placed on the various opportunities created by the development and revitalization of underdeveloped and undeveloped agglomerations and areas and the renewal of various traditional crafts and other activities, development of small and quality programs and activities in the form of island, rural, gastronomic (healthy food), family, continental, cultural, ecological, educational-communication, alternative and sports-recreational-entertainment tourism. |