Sažetak | Gastronomija je važna za opstanak ljudske vrste te joj je potrebno pridati pažnju koju zaslužuje. Smatramo ju dijelom nacionalnog identiteta, dijelom narodne kulture, znanosti o hrani te je neodvojiv dio turističke ponude i esencijalan dio svakodnevnog života modernog čovjeka. Napredovala je od jednostavne pripreme s pojavom vatre do današnjih globalizacijski naprednih tehnoloških rješenja koji su na usluzi modernoj gastronomiji. Stvaranjem novih komunikacijskih kanala te atraktivnog sadržaja koji se dijeli kroz digitalne medije, gastronomski sadržaj ima moć utjecati na sve veću publiku koja se bavi proučavanjem, primjenom i kreiranjem. Istraživanje je pokazalo da društvene mreže značajno utječu na prehrambene odluke ispitanika, posebno u vezi s odabirom restorana, jela ili prehrambenih trendova. Većina ispitanika prati preporuke i recenzije o restoranima putem društvenih mreža, a fotografije hrane i recenzije influencera dodatno potiču njihove prehrambene odluke. Eksperimentiranje s novim receptima, začinima i egzotičnim namirnicama, također, potaknuto je trendovima na društvenim mrežama. Digitalne platforme doprinose stvaranju promjena prehrambenih navika ispitanika, s mnogima koji koriste online recepte i kulinarske savjete za eksperimentiranje s novim jelima i sastojcima. Televizijski kuhari poput Julie Child, ikone i začetnice modernih emisija o kuharstvu, utjecali su na globalne kulinarske trendove, a njihovi programi potiču interes gledatelja za kuhanje kod kuće i eksperimentiranje s novim receptima i začinima. Moderne digitalne platforme poput Instagrama, Facebooka, YouTuba i TikToka omogućuju ljubiteljima hrane pa i profesionalnim kuharima da svoja znanja, recepte, tehnike i kulinarske savjete dijele gotovo uživo, sa svojom odabranom publikom. Vizualna dimenzija digitalnih platformi kroz blogove i svakodnevne objave na društvenim mrežama ima moć mijenjati naše navike i percepciju hrane te poticati pozitivne promjene u prehrambenim navikama. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Gastronomy is crucial for the survival of the human species and deserves the attention it warrants. It is considered part of the national identity, a facet of folk culture, food science, and an integral part of the tourism offer, essential to the daily life of modern humans. It has evolved from simple preparation with the advent of fire to today's globally advanced technological solutions serving modern gastronomy. By creating new communication channels and sharing attractive content through digital media, gastronomic content has the power to influence an increasingly larger audience engaged in studying, applying, and creating.
The research has shown that social media significantly influences the dietary decisions of respondents, particularly in relation to the choice of restaurants, dishes, or food trends. Most respondents follow recommendations and reviews about restaurants through social media, and food photos and influencer reviews further encourage their dietary choices. Experimentation with new recipes, spices, and exotic ingredients is also driven by trends on social media. Digital platforms contribute to the creation of changes in respondents' eating habits, with many using online recipes and culinary advice to experiment with new dishes and ingredients.
Television chefs like Julia Child, an icon and pioneer of modern cooking shows, have influenced global culinary trends, and their programs encourage viewers to cook at home and experiment with new recipes and spices. Modern digital platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok enable food enthusiasts and professional chefs to share their knowledge, recipes, techniques, and culinary advice almost in real-time with their chosen audience. The visual dimension of digital platforms through blogs and daily posts on social networks has the power to change our food habits and perceptions, fostering positive changes in dietary habits. |