Sažetak | Moda je fenomen koji nas okružuje, konstantno raste i postaje sve kompleksniji. U bilo kakvoj međuljudskoj interakciji, ona igra značajnu ulogu u neverbalnoj komunikaciji. Ovaj rad ulazi i pokušava razumjeti samu sociologiju fenomena te također ima marketinški osvrt na temu i sagledava načine na koji modna industrija prolazi kroz glavne elemente marketinga.
Rad se sastoji od pet poglavlja i osam potpoglavlja. Započinje uvodom kao prvim poglavljem, nakon toga, u drugom poglavlju sagledava modu kao društveni i komunikacijski fenomen, i to kroz tri potpoglavlja. U prvom ulazi u sociologiju mode gdje sagledava način na koji ju društvo percipira i koristi. U drugom govori o utjecaju medija na formiranje identiteta i stvaranje trendova, dok u trećem objašnjava povezanost medija i celebrity kulture te kako ona utječe na javnost. U drugom poglavlju rada razmatra se moda i njezino potrošačko društvo, i to kroz modne časopise te suvremene mode kao događaj, gdje će se dotaknuti svjetska modna scena i četiri prijestolnice modne industrije (Pariz, London, Milano, New York). Također će se približiti hrvatskoj modnoj sceni, točnije kroz Cro A Porter, vodeći hrvatski modni događaj koji obuhvaća značajne hrvatske modne dizajnere.
U četvrtom poglavlju rada sagledava se strategija marketinga i komuniciranja u procesu brendiranja nekog proizvoda, u ovom slučaju modnog proizvoda, i to kroz osnovne elemente marketing mixa te se objašnjava na koji način ljudi komuniciraju s modom u interakciji s ljudima. Rad se zatvara petim poglavljem, odnosno zaključkom te intervjuom s Viktorom Dragom, osnivačem Cro A Portera gdje se u formi intervjua odgovara na pet pitanja o modi. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Fashion is a phenomenon that surrounds us, is constantly growing and becoming more complex. In any kind of interpersonal interaction, it plays a significant role in non-verbal communication. This paper introduces and attempts to understand the very phenomena of sociology, and also has a marketing review on the subject and looks at ways in which the fashion industry goes through the main elements of marketing.
The work consists of five chapters and eight sub-chapters. It begins with the introduction as the first chapter, and then, in the second chapter, it looks at fashion as a social and communication phenomenon, through three sub-chapters. In the first part of sociology of fashion, he sees the way society perceives it and uses it. In the second one he talks about the influence of media on identity formation and trends, while in the third explains the relationship between media and celebrity culture, and how it affects the public. In the second chapter of the paper, fashion and its consumer society are discussed, through fashion magazines, and contemporary fashion as an event where the world fashion scene and the four fashion capital cities (Paris, London, Milan, New York) will be touched. It will also come closer to the Croatian fashion scene, more precisely through Cro A Porter, the leading fashion event in Croatia that includes significant Croatian fashion designers.
The fourth chapter discusses the marketing and communication strategy in the branding process of a product, in this case, a fashion product, through the basic elements of a marketing mix, and explains how people communicate with fashion in interaction with people. The paper closes with the fifth chapter or conclusion, and as a contribution, Viktor Drago, the founder of Cro A Porter, in the form of an interview answers five questions about fashion and wider. |