Sažetak | U završnom radu govorit ćemo o elektroničkom otpadu ili e-otpadu.
U prvom poglavlju ćemo govorit sve o otpadu, kako i kada je nastao,njegove četiri glavne kategorije: Prirodni otpad, otrovni otpad, reciklažni otpad i natopljeni (bolnički otpad) koje dijelimo prema sastavu, po mjestu nastanka i po svojstvima.
Drugim poglavljem ćemo razradit elektronički otpad na način da ćemo ga podijelit u sljedeće podnaslove: Što je elektronički otpad i kako se označava, koliko ima elektroničkog otpada, vrste elektroničkog otpada i podjela na kategorije (veliki kućanski uređaji, mali kućanski uređaji, oprema informatičke tehnike, oprema široke potrošnje, rasvjetna oprema, električni i elektronički alati, igračke, medicinski uređaji, instrumenti za nadzor i samoposlužni aparati), vrijedne tvari u elektroničkom otpadu (plemeniti metali) te opasne tvari u elektroničkom otpadu i zdravstveni rizici (olovo, živa, berilij, kadmij itd.).
Trećim poglavljem ćemo obuhvatit recikliranje elektroničkog otpada, samu definiciju recikliranja, korake u reciklaži e-otpada koji se sastoje od detoksikacije, mehaničke obrade i rafiniranja te na kraju primjer recikliranju (recikliranje mobitela).
Četvrtim poglavljem ćemo govorit o elektroničkom otpadu u Hrvatskoj, sabirnim centrima koji se bave sakupljanjem e-otpada, nalaze se u Virovitici, Zagrebu, Iloku, Karlovcu, Krapini, Metkoviću, Rijeci, Sisku, Slavonskom Brodu, Splitu, Sv.Petru u šumi, Varaždinu i Zadru te čemo reći sve o najpoznatijem centru (Sprectra media) koji se bavi sakupljanjem e-otpada. Spomenut ćemo i Hrvatsko Baselska konvekciju kojom se nadzire prekogranični promet opasnog otpada i njegovog odlaganja.
I na samom kraju peto poglavlje budućnost e-otpada i recikliranje u kojem rezultati istraživanja Erica Williamsa i suradnika ukazuju na to da će zemlje u razvoju dugi niz godina proizvoditi dvostruko više e-otpada od razvijenih zemalja. U tom poglavlju ćemo čuti jednu veoma zanimljivu informaciju, a to je da ljudi godišnje bacaju 22 tone zlata u smeće. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this term paper will talk about the electronic waste or e-waste.
In the first chapter we will discuss all the waste, how and when it occurred. Its four main categories are: Natural waste, toxic waste, recycling waste and soaked (hospital waste) that are divided according to: composition, its properties and place of origin.
In the second chapter we will elaborate electronic waste by splitting it in following subheadings: What is electronic waste and how it is marked? How many e-waste is there? Electronic waste types and division into categories (large household devices, small household devices, IT equipment techniques , consumer equipment, lighting equipment, electrical and electronic tools, toys, medical devices, monitoring instruments and vending machines), valuable substances in electronic waste (noble metals) and hazardous substances in electronic waste and health risks (lead, mercury, beryllium, cadmium, etc.).
The third chapter will include recycling of electronic waste, the very definition of recycling, the steps of e-waste recycling, which consist of detoxification, mechanical processing and refining and finally an example of recycling (recycling of mobile phones).
In the fourth chapter we will discuss about electronic waste in Croatia, collection centers that deal with the collection of e-waste that are found in Virovitica, Zagreb, Ilok, Karlovac, Krapina, Metković, Rijeka, Sisak, Slavonski Brod, Split, St. Peter in the woods, Varaždin, Zadar and we will tell all about the most famous center (Sprectra media) that has been collecting e-waste. We will mention the Croatia - Basel Convection in controlling the cross border movement of hazardous wastes and their disposal.And at the end of the fifth chapter will be discussed about the future of e-waste and recycling, in which the results of research by Eric Williams and colleagues suggest that the developing countries will produce twice as much e-waste from already developed countries. In this chapter we will hear a very interesting information, and that is that people throw away annually 20.22 tons of gold in the garbage. |