Sažetak | Moderni svijet oblikuju globalizacija i tehnološki razvoj. Internet se izborio za svoje, sada već nezamjenjivo, mjesto u ljudskoj svakodnevici te je gotovo nemoguće zamisliti kako bi svijet funkcionirao bez njega. U prilog tome ide velik napredak u području razvoja tehnologije koji je stvorio uvjete za kolanje velikih količina informacija, roba i usluga brže nego ikada dosad. Društvene mreže postale su globalni komunikacijski fenomen, a komunikacija predstavlja iznimno važan čimbenik ljudskog funkcioniranja.
Cilj ovog rada objasniti je kako se razvojem društvenih mreža mijenjao ne samo način života i komunikacije među ljudima, već i način poslovanja te doveo do sasvim nove vrste oglašavanja koja je danas sveprisutna u skoro svim marketinškim strategijama. Internet predstavlja snažan i efikasan alat te s obzirom na jednostavnost i efikasnost ove vrste oglašavanja, aktivno uključivanje u kampanje na društvenim mrežama postalo je i više nego poželjno.
Velike organizacije sve manje koriste tradicionalne vrste oglašavanja kao što su televizija, radio, novine itd., a sve više se okreću novoj vrsti oglašavanja putem drušvenih mreža. Svaka organizacija koja teži ostvariti dobre rezultate i stvoriti lojalnost korisnika ima vlastiti profil na društvenim mrežama ili se oglašava posredstvom korisnika tih mreža. Time su se pojavile i nove vrste zanimanja čiji je osnovni izvor prihoda promoviranje proizvoda i usluga putem društvenih mreža. S jedne strane to su influenceri, a s druge su to community manageri koji upravljaju profilima tvrtki, komuniciraju s korisnicima te izrađuju stratetegije i prate njihovu uspješnost.
Ovaj rad bavi se oglašavanjem na društvenim mrežama, a kroz iduća poglevlja objasniti ću razvoj društvenih mreža te pobliže objasniti oglašavanje na društvenim mrežama. Kroz poglavlja ću obraditi pojam društvenih mreža, povijest društvenih mreža te njihovu podjelu. Također ću predstaviti najpopularnije društvene mreže u Hrvatskoj i svijetu te predstaviti pozitivne i negatvne strane oglašavanja na društvenim mrežama. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The modern world is shaped by globalization and technological development. The Internet has taken its now, irreplaceable, place in human everyday life, and it is almost impossible to imagine how the world would function without it. This is supported by the great advancement in the field of technology development that has created the conditions for the circulation of large quantities of information, goods and services faster than ever before. Social networks have become a global communication phenomenon, and communication is an extremely important factor in human functioning.
The aim of this paper is to explain how the development of social networks has changed not only the way of life and communication among people, but also the way of business, and led to a completely new type of advertising, which is ubiquitous in almost all marketing strategies today. The Internet is a powerful and effective tool and given the simplicity and effectiveness of this type of advertising, active involvement in social media campaigns has become more than desirable.
Large organizations are using less traditional types of advertising such as television, radio, newspapers, etc., and are increasingly turning to the new type of social media advertising. Every organization that seeks to achieve good results and create customer loyalty has its own profile on social networks or is advertised through users of those networks. This also gave rise to new types of occupations whose primary source of income is the promotion of products and services through social networks. On the one hand, there are influencers, and on the other, there are community managers who manage company profiles, interact with customers, create strategies and monitor their success.
This paper deals with advertising on social networks, and in the next sections I will explain the development of social networks and explain in more detail advertising on social networks. Throughout the chapters, I will cover the notion of social networks, the history of social networks, and their division. I will also introduce the most popular social networks in Croatia and the world and present the positive and negative sides of advertising on social networks. |