Sažetak | Tema kojom se bavi ovaj rad je poslovni marketing u humanitarnim organizacijama kao i njegova primjena koja je prikazana kroz marketinškog miksa najveće humanitarne organizacije u Republici Hrvatskoj, Hrvatskog Crvenog križa. Kako bi što bolje razumjeli primjenu marketinga u neprofitnim organizacijama, imajući u vidu da neprofitne organizacije još uvijek nemaju jedinstvenu definiciju ni u svijetu pa tako ni u Hrvatskoj, u početnom djelu rada se pojašnjava pojam neprofitnih organizacija, njihova uloga u društvu te glavne razlike između neprofitnih i profitnih organizacija. Potom se definira tržište poslovne potrošnje, sudionici razmjene na poslovnim tržištima te ostale važne značajke vezane uz poslovna tržišta i proces kupnje na poslovnom tržištu (ciljevi i motivi kupnje, način donošenja odluka o kupnji, vrste kupnje i slično). Kako su neprofitne organizacije jedan od sudionika razmjene na poslovnom tržištu, poslovni marketing neprofitnih organizacija razmatran je kroz jedan od specifičnih oblika primjene, neprofitni marketing. Neprofitni marketing uključuje i razne druge marketinške oblike kao što su: marketing odnosa, usluga, ideja, humanitarnih događaja, interaktivni marketing i brojne druge oblike. Primjena marketinga u neprofitnim organizacijama je od iznimne važnosti te zauzima sve veći značaj. Neprofitne organizacije djeluju u interesu cijelog društva, stoga moraju upoznati cijelu javnost sa svojim ciljevima, misijama i aktivnostima kako bi opstale i kako bi mogle poboljšavati svoju efikasnost i svoje djelovanje. Kako bi to ostvarile moraju je se služiti raznim marketinškim aktivnostima, počevši od segmentacije tržišta i prepoznavanja ciljnih skupina i njihovih potreba i želja kako bi što bolje kreirale svoju ponudu , preko pozicioniranja organizacije i njene ponude , do upravljanja komunikacijskim procesima prema svim ciljnim skupinama i javnosti općenito. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The topic of this work is business marketing in humanitarian organizations as well as its application which is shown through the marketing mix of the largest humanitarian organization in the Republic of Croatia, the Croatian Red Cross. In purpose of better understanding the application of marketing in non-profit organizations, keeping in mind that non-profit organizations still do not have a unique definition, neither in the worl nor in Croatia, in the initial part of work will be explained the term and the concept of non-profit organizations, their role in society and the main differences between for-profit and for-profit organizations. Then will be defined the market of business marketing, participants on the business market as well as other important features related to the business market and the process of buying(goals and motives of purchase, the way of making a decision to purchase, type of purchase, etc.). Non-profit organizations are one of the participants in the exchange business market so the business marketing in non-profit organizations was discussed by one of the specific forms of its implementation, the non-profit marketing. Non-profit marketing includes various other forms of marketing such as: relationship marketing, services, ideas, charity events, interactive marketing, and many other forms. various other forms of marketing such as: relationship marketing, marketing of services, marketing of ideas,marketing of charity events, interactive marketing, and many other forms. Application of marketing in non-profit organizations has a significant importance. Non-profit organizations are acting in the interest of the whole society, so the have to meet all the general public with their goals, missions and activities in order to survive and to be able to improve their efficiency and their actions.In order to achieve their goals they need to use a variety of marketing activities, starting from market segmentation and identification of target groups and their needs and desires in order to better adapt its offer, through the positioning of the organization and its offer, to manage the communication processes for all target groups and for the all public generally. |