Sažetak | Svrha ovoga rada je opisati i posvetiti pozornost opasnim tvarima, njihovom prijevozu u cestovnom prometu te njihovom štetnom utjecaju na čovjeka i okoliš ukoliko dođe do neželjenih situacija kao što su požari, eksplozije, puknuća, istjecanja i sl. Opasne tvari se prema svojim svojstvima dijele u devet posebnih kategorija, a te se kategorije dodatno dijele na potkategorije. Cestovni je promet u Republici Hrvatskoj veoma razgranat i mnogo se opasnih tvari prevozi cestovnim putem. Zbog svega navedenog je važno pridržavati se zakona i uputa kako ne bi došlo do neželjenih događaja ili nesreća. Kako bi prijevoznik mogao obavljati prijevoz opasnih tvari u cestovnome prometu, ona mora biti posebno osposobljen za navedeno te ishoditi isprave kojima to dokazuje. Opasne tvari se pakiraju, označavaju i skladište na strogo propisanim mjestima i na strogo propisane načine, a ovisno o tome o kojoj se opasnoj tvari radi. Kako bi se točno znalo o kojim se opasnim tvarima u pakiranju ili prijevozu radi, oni se označuju listicama opasnosti i drugim oznakama za opasne tvari, a skladište se u posebnu ambalažu u kojoj su zaštićene od djelovanja drugih čimbenika. Vozač vozila za prijevoz opasnih tvari mora biti stručno osposobljen i upoznat sa postupcima u slučaju nezgode te slijediti propisani protokol, a vozila kao i ambalaža, biti posebno označeni UN-ovim pločama koje označavaju da se radi o prijevozu opasnih tvari, a cisterne se s obzirom na tvar koju prevoze označavaju posebnim bojama. Vozilo koje prevozi opasne tvari mora sadržavati i posebnu i nužnu opremu u slučaju nesreće. Punjenje i pražnjenje cisterni koje prevoze zapaljive tvari, odnosno naftne derivate, moraju također biti pod kontrolom te se prilikom punjenja i pražnjenja moraju slijediti određeni, propisani protokoli. Ukoliko dođe do nesreće, to može negativno utjecati na okoliš, ugroziti ljudsko zdravlje i život. Kako bi se neželjeni događaji spriječili, potrebno je slijediti znakove zabrane, upozorenja, obveznog postupanja te sigurnosne znakove. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The purpose of this work is to describe and pay attention to dangerous substances, their transport in road traffic and its harmful impact on humans and the environment if there are any problems and unwanted situations such as fires, explosions, ruptures, leaks, etc. Hazardous substances according to their properties are divided into nine special categories, and these categories are further divided into their own subcategories. Road traffic in the Republic of Croatia is very diverse and indeed many dangerous substances are transported by road, but for this it is important to follow the laws and instructions in order to avoid problems or accidents. In order for a person to be able to transport dangerous substances in road traffic, he must be specially trained for this and possess a series of documents that confirm this, from a driver's license to special licenses. Hazardous substances are packaged, labeled and stored in strictly prescribed places and in strictly prescribed ways, depending on which dangerous substance it is. In order to know exactly which dangerous substances are in the packaging or transport, they are marked with hazard labels and other labels for dangerous substances, and they are stored in special containers where they are protected from the effects of other factors. The driver of a vehicle for the transport of dangerous goods must also be familiar with the procedures in the event of an accident and follow the exact protocol, and the vehicles, like the packaging, must be specially marked with UN plates indicating that it is a matter of transporting dangerous goods, and the tanks they mark the substance they are transporting with special colors. A vehicle that transports dangerous goods must also contain special and necessary equipment in the event of an accident. The filling and emptying of tanks transporting flammable substances, i.e. oil derivatives, must also be under control and specific, prescribed protocols must be followed during filling and emptying. If there is an accident, it can endanger human health and even life, and it also negatively affects the environment by destroying it. In order to try to prevent this, it is necessary to follow the prohibition signs, warnings, mandatory actions and safety signs. |