Sažetak | Strip je vizualno sredstvo komunikacije, nošen je papirom na kojem su grafičkim tehnikama reproducirane linija, ploha i boja. Osobitost stripa je njegova vremenska dimenzija koja se ostvaruje nizanjem kadrova, što stvara sličnost između stripa i filma. Kadar je morfem stripovske forme, koji se montažnim postupkom povezuje u razgovijetnu cjelinu. Riječ strip na engleskom znači traka. Druga osobitost stripa je (najčešće) istovremeno postojanje slike i teksta. Taj tekst je utilitaran, on mora biti jasno čitak, pa je zato strip na ovim stranicama smješten u rubriku dizajna, iako ga zovu deveta umjetnost. To (čitkost teksta) je element na koji djecu posebno treba upozoriti: prvo trebaju napisati tekst, a tek onda oko njega nacrtati oblačić (ako su odabrali takvu formu za tekst).
Vremenski faktor stripa vezuje ga uz film i sličnošću sa knjigom snimanja. U današnje vrijeme u kojem prosječnom konzumentu sve više opada koncentracija, pa mu čitanje teksta počinje dosađivati, u Japanu su se pojavili stripovi, tzv. mange, kojima se veoma povećao broj stranica (oko 300 u prosjeku) a smanjila količina teksta, pa se takav strip više ne čita, nego lista, stvarajući sličan efekt u mozgu poput crtanih filmova.
Strip se sveo na jednu nišu kolekcionarske publike koja je izbirljiva i zahtjevna. Ta publika cijeni kvalitetu sadržaja, ali i estetiku, voli dobar crtež, dizajn i prijelom te želi dugotrajno posjedovati takva izdanja. Strip se, uz iznimku još popularnih kiosk-izdanja junaka, odmetnuo u elitizam kakav si mogu priuštiti samo rijetki jer izdanja kakva viđamo na sajmovima stoje između 100 i 350 kuna. Na hrvatskom tržištu postoji nekoliko odličnih izdavača; sve što u svijetu vrijedi, kod nas izađe prije ili poslije, a najpopularnije su američka, francuska, belgijska i talijanska škola stripa. S obzirom na situaciju u izdavaštvu i knjižarstvu može se očekivati da će se izdavači sve više fokusirati na web-trgovine i digitalna izdanja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The comic strip is a visual means of communication, carried with paper that reproduces lines, surfaces and colors through graphic techniques. The peculiarity of the comic book is its temporal dimension, which is realized by the sequence of frames, which creates a similarity between the comic book and the movie. When it is a comic-book morpheme, which is assembled into an intelligible entity through an assembly process. The word strip in English means tape. Another feature of comics is (most often) the simultaneous existence of image and text. This text is utilitarian, it has to be clearly legible, which is why the comic book on these pages is placed in the design section, although they call it ninth art. This (legibility of the text) is an element to which children should be especially warned: first they should write the text and then draw a bubble around it (if they chose such a form for the text).
The timing factor of the comic book binds it to the movie and its resemblance to the book of filming. Nowadays, in which the average consumer is decreasing his concentration and his reading of the text is beginning to bother him, comic books have emerged in Japan. manga, which greatly increased the number of pages (about 300 on average) and reduced the amount of text, so that such a comic book is no longer read but a list, creating a similar effect in the brain like cartoons.
The comic has been reduced to a niche of collectibles that is picky and demanding. This audience appreciates the quality of the content as well as the aesthetics, loves a good drawing, design and layout and wants to own such editions for a long time. The comic book, with the exception of the more popular hero kiosk editions, got into elitism that only a few can afford because the editions we see at the fairs are between 100 and 350 kuna. There are several excellent publishers in the Croatian market; everything in the world is worth coming to us sooner or later, and the most popular are American, French, Belgian and Italian schools. Given the situation in publishing and bookstores, it can be expected that publishers will increasingly focus on web shops and digital editions. |